Best B+W

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I Simonius

Active Member
Oct 1, 2007
Norfolk UK
Lightroom Experience
I was looking to make some B+W presents butnotice that 'greyscale ' is the starting point and thinking about the greyscale in CS3 wonder whether this isn't an inferior way of making B+W

(not suggesting it is as Iknow nothing about it - just wondering)

I know we can make lots of adjustments in LR greyscale whereas in CS3 it is not the same, but do you get as good end result in LR as in CS? i'e which is the more/less destructive (assuming use of adjustment layers i CS3) and which gives more control, without pixel level adjusting (masks etc.)

e.g. in CS3 I tend to use levels/curves first, then the channel mixer, then the hue saturation, to get some pretty exact results.

-I know I can make an action but is that as useful as or better than preset?

i.e. whhat are the pros and cons of B+W in LR v CS3?

EDIT: is this in the right forum? (mod move if not?-thanks)
Grayscale in Lightroom is a very different kettle of fish to the simple Grayscale in CS3, however, you may want to check out this video from Martin Evening.''7/'8/24/tips-for-better-black-and-white-conversions/


although that doesn't directly answer the question of whether it's best to do B+W in LR or CS3

what it does do it show that you can get the same effects in LR as you can in CS3 by essentially going the same route i.e. working with desaturated colour (keeping all the 'channels') rather than greyscale

So Im glad about that as it makes good sense to me, it's something I can understand whan the same concepts translate from CS3 to LR

Whether you can get better resut in LR or CS3 now becomes more of an an academic question, one of refinemensts and personal preferences rather than an across te board advantage of one program over the other so - thanks for that link!

Thanks so much for posting this tutorial. It is one of the very best I have seen. It's good to be here.

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