Beneath the main work area, or preview area, you’ll see the toolbar. If it ever goes missing, press the T key on your keyboard or select View menu > Show Toolbar. The options that are available on this toolbar change depending on your current module or view, but if you click the arrow at the right hand end, you can choose to show different tools.
I just purchased/downloaded Lightroom CC version 1.3 yesterday and have no toolbar. Hitting P provides a beep, but nothing else. There is no “Show Toolbar” under View and there is no arrow to click on the right-hand end. Help.
This blog post was for the traditional version of Lightroom (now called Lightroom Classic). The cloud version of Lightroom CC (as per your 1.3) does have a little toolbar beneath the Grid/Detail views, but you can’t hide it.
I use photoshop 6 on a Dell xps 13 laptop. The toolbar on the left side and top screen are so small they are unusable. ANY FIXES ? Thank you
Er, this is a Lightroom blog. But Photoshop 6 is really old… probably can’t handle a hidpi screen.
There has been some recent discussion on a blog site saying that the Lightroom toolbars are different for Mac and PC. I haven’t seen anything elsewhere that indicates they are different for Mac and PC. Can you comment on that?
They shouldn’t be different, however if you click the arrow at the right end, you can choose which icons to include on the toolbar. Perhaps that’s why they’re seeing a difference.