Lightroom CC 2015.7 and Lightroom 6.7 have been released today, and there are some great improvements, as well as the normal camera/lens support and bug fixes for everyone. (For the update links, skip to the end of the post.)
So what’s new?
Develop Performance Improvements using Smart Previews!
Since Lightroom 5’s release, many of us have used Smart Previews to speed up the Develop module. At 2560px, they’re smaller than most raw files and they’re already partially processed, so they improve Develop loading times and interactive performance.
In the past, you had to render Smart Previews when you weren’t using the computer and then rename the folder or dismount the drive to take the originals offline, forcing Lightroom to use the Smart Previews. When you wanted to check sharpening or export the photos, you had to reconnect the photos. It helped performance, but it was a hassle to keep taking photos on/offline.
Now, in Preferences > Performance, you can check the Use Smart Previews instead of Originals for image editing checkbox to automatically utilize any Smart Previews which have been built in advance. Better still, when you zoom in to 1:1 view, Lightroom automatically loads the original file to provide the most accurate preview for judging noise reduction and sharpening.
Other improvements include:
- macOS Sierra issues have been fixed, ready for the release of the new operating system tomorrow. See my Sierra blog post for full compatibility information.
- OS X 10.9 Mavericks is no longer supported, as of this release.
- Display P3 support was added throughout the app. Display P3 is a wide gamut color space used on the latest Apple devices (iPad Pro 9.7″, iPhone 7/7+, iMac Retina 2015). It’s a similar size to Adobe RGB, but it’s shifted slightly towards reds/oranges and loses some of the greens/blues. It’s primarily useful when exporting photos for display on the latest Apple devices.
- Adobe Stock plug-in – If you’re a budding stock photographer, the new Adobe Stock app allows you to upload your photos to Adobe Stock directly from Lightroom. Lightroom steps you through the process when you click on Publish Services > Adobe Stock > Setup.
- Change to Sync behavior (CC only) – 2015.7 changes the way you remove photos from the sync cloud. You can now drag photos to the All Synced Photographs collection to add them to the cloud, and delete them from the All Synced Photographs collection to remove them from the cloud and any synced collections. If you simply stop syncing a collection, the photos themselves now remain in the cloud. Stop and read the dialogs carefully before hitting ok.
- Guided Upright shortcut (CC only) – Hold the Alt (Windows) / Opt (Mac) key while adjusting the lines to slow down the cursor for greater accuracy.
Updated instructions for these changes are already waiting in the Members Area for owners of my Lightroom CC/6 book, and the Sync changes are also updated in the Lightroom mobile book.
New camera support:
- Apple iPad Pro 9.7″ (Wi-Fi and cellular)
- Apple iPhone 6s Plus
- Apple iPhone 6s
- Apple iPhone SE
- Apple iPhone 7
- Apple iPhone 7 Plus
- Canon EOS 5D Mark IV (with limitations on dual pixel raw)
- Casio EX-ZR4000 (EX-ZR5000)
- GoPro HERO5 Black
- Hasselblad H6D-100c
- Nikon D3400
- Panasonic DMC-G8 (DMC-G80, DMC-G81, DMC-G85)
- Panasonic DMC-LX9 (DMC-LX10, DMC-LX15)
- Click to view the full list of supported cameras
Tethering for new cameras:
- Nikon D5
- Nikon D500
- Click to view the full list of cameras supported for tethering.
New camera profiles:
- Canon 5DS – updated lower contrast Adobe Standard v2 profile
- Canon 5DSR – updated lower contrast Adobe Standard v2 profile
New lens profiles:
- Apple
- iPad Pro back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 (RAW + JPEG)
- iPhone 6s back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 (RAW)
- iPhone 6s Plus back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 (RAW)
- iPhone SE back camera 4.15mm f/2.2 (RAW + JPEG)
- iPhone 7 back camera 3.99mm f/1.8 (DNG + JPEG)
- iPhone 7 front camera 2.87mm f/2.2
- iPhone 7 Plus back camera 3.99mm f/1.8 (DNG + JPEG)
- iPhone 7 Plus back camera 6.6mm f/2.8 (DNG + JPEG)
- iPhone 7 Plus back iSight Duo camera 3.99mm f/1.8
- iPhone 7 Plus back iSight Duo camera 6.6mm f/2.8
- iPhone 7 Plus front camera 2.87mm f/2.2
- Canon
- Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM +1.4x
- Canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM +2.0x
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Venus Optics Laowa 105mm f2 (T3.2) Smooth Trans Focus
- Leica S
- Leica ELMARIT-S 1:2.8/45mm ASPH. CS
- Nikon F
- Nikon AF VR Zoom-NIKKOR 80-400mm f/4.5-5.6D ED
- Nikon AF-P NIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED
- Nikon AF-P NIKKOR 70-300mm f/4.5-6.3G ED VR
- Nikon AF-S NIKKOR 105mm f/1.4E ED
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- SIGMA 50-100mm F1.8 DC HSM A016
- Venus Optics Laowa 105mm f2 (T3.2) Smooth Trans Focus
- Olympus
- Bower 7.5mm f/3.5 Fish-eye
- Rokinon 7.5mm f/3.5 Fish-eye
- Samyang 7.5mm f/3.5 Fish-eye
- Panasonic
- Bower 7.5mm f/3.5 Fish-eye
- Rokinon 7.5mm f/3.5 Fish-eye
- Samyang 7.5mm f/3.5 Fish-eye
- Pentax K
- PENTAX HD PENTAX-DA 21mm F3.2 ED AL Limited
- PENTAX HD PENTAX-DA 35mm F2.8 Macro Limited
- PENTAX HD PENTAX-DA 40mm F2.8 Limited
- PENTAX HD PENTAX-DA 55-300mm F4.5-6.3 ED PLM WR RE
- PENTAX HD PENTAX-DA 70mm F2.4 Limited
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Pentax Q
- Ricoh
- Ricoh GR 18.3mm f/2.8
- Ricoh GR II 18.3mm f/2.8
- Sony A
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Rokinon 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS
- Samyang 8mm f/3.5 UMC Fish-Eye CS II
- Sony E
- Rokinon 12mm f/7.4 RMC Fisheye
- Sony FE
- Rokinon 50mm AF F1.4 FE
- Samyang 50mm AF F1.4 FE
- Sony FE 50mm F1.4 ZA
- Venus Optics Laowa 105mm f2 (T3.2) Smooth Trans Focus
- Voigtlander HELIAR-HYPER WIDE 10mm F5.6
- ZY Optics Mitakon SpeedMaster 85mm f/1.2
- Click here for the full list of available Adobe Lens Profiles
Further user-created profiles can be downloaded using the Lens Profile Downloader (scroll down slightly, it’s at the end of the Resources section on that link)
Bug fixes:
There are loads of bug fixes. These are the main ones:
- Nikon SDK updated on Windows and Mac.
- Canon SDK updated on Mac.
- Fixed – Error message about not being able to import photos when in fact the issue is due to the destination folder is read only
- Fixed – Selected Published Folder or Collection is not deselected if a folder is selected
- Fixed – 6-digit counts of photos are truncated in the Keyword Panel
- Fixed – Collections with counts greater than 5 digits are truncated.
- Fixed – Fuji E X2 file imported as DNG is unreadable “The File Appears to be unsupported or damaged”
- Fixed – Keyword suggestion for a word having &(ampersand) is incorrect
- Fixed – Adjustment brush stops working after deleting photo
- Improved performance when using the Temperature and Tint slides for adjusting White Balance
- Fixed – White Balance Loupe displays incorrect RGB values
- Fixed – Fixed issue where the SIGMA 10-20mm F3.5 EX DC HSM lens for Pentax mount was not being auto recognized
- Fixed – Vignette correction for Zeiss Batis 25mm f2 too aggressive
- Fixed – Image preview flickering when GPU acceleration is turned off (Windows only)
Photo Merge
If you find another bug, click here to report it.
How do I update?
To update, go to Help menu > Updates or click the Update button in the CC app. The update servers take a while to push the updates around the world, to avoid crashing the servers, but if you’re in a hurry to update, here are the direct links to the patches: Windows – Mac
Yeah, it could be friendlier. The “genuine software” thing is currently being trialled, so I’ll feed it back to the engineering team so they can check into it.
One more thing — I think the installer downloads v6.0. So, can I again use your link to update directly to v6.8?
Thanks so much Victoria.
Yes, that should be fine. Uninstall and reinstall is safe. It’s worth backing up your catalog for peace of mind, but the uninstaller doesn’t touch it. The uninstaller does ask whether to delete preferences, but you can choose to keep them.
Hi Victoria,
I though I’d provide the final step in solving this problem, as it may help someone else. First, the reinstall did not help. So, I got into a chat session and a tech rep logged in remotely and make some rapid fire changes which seemed to work, but a day later the problem was back. So, I got into what was then my 4th chat session with Adobe. Another remote log in and file changes. This time, the files removed contained all the v6 serial numbers. Then he reactivated using the free trial option, entered the one valid serial number, and it has been stable for a week now. Near as I can figure, LR stores all the serial numbers permanently. So, even if you bought a bootlegged copy, and later fessed up and bought a legit one, the bootlegged s/n would still be there. In may case, I asked for a refund, Adobe deactivated the s/n and the app on my machine, but that appears not to have actually removed the s/n. so the new Genuine Software service saw it there, and sent the warning, even though I had another, valid, s/n from a subsequent purchase. Seems to me, if you have a valid s/n for the version in question, a warning shouldn’t be issued. Or, if it is, a little more help like “we noticed you have two serial numbers for LR v6, only one of which is genuine. Would you like to remove the one that is not genuine?”
Any thoughts?
Thanks again, Victoria.
Update — I think I may have found the problem. Hope you don’t mind a little lengthy description. I bought a v6 license in May 2015. I had trouble with it and asked for a refund, which I received. They then disabled the version I had several months later during a log in. I had resolved the issue (the graphics processor bug) so bought another copy of v6 in Sept . It appears that the old disabled copy is still on my machine (the serial numbers are different), and I’ve been able to determine that that is the version they’re seeing as not “genuine”. The newer one is fine. I’ve been trying to find the older version to delete it, but since it’s the same rev level, I’m having trouble finding it. Any ideas?
Ah, interesting! So you mean there’s a second copy of the app? Or just a second copy of some registration files somewhere? I’m not sure where you’d find it, but the Adobe Support guys should be able to find someone who knows if you explain what’s happened.
Update — I called the telephone number on the pop-up notice. The agent read me the script that goes “the reseller you bought the software from duped you”. When I told her I bought it directly from Adobe, she said I had to connect to the chat help to resolve the issue. After some repeating the entire issue a few times, that agent suggested I reinstall (uninstall and reinstall), promising that would make the issue disappear. But then adding, if that doesn’t work contact us again and we will escalate. I asked if the new install would use my existing catalog, and he said yes. How does this all sound to you?
My sense is that if I do nothing, when LR7 comes along (if it does), this problem will go away. Right now, I have serious concerns about a reinstall.
Here are a couple links that come up:
I can’t call until tomorrow…but will try and let you know.
Thanks for the links.
Sorry..I meant the upgrade to 6.8. The window comes up saying the software is not genuine. Also, when I close now Adobe says my catalog is larger than 4GB and I should use a special extractor to open it. What happened?
The 4GB error message is a bug – it shouldn’t be showing up on smaller catalogs, so you can just ignore it.
I’ve heard that Adobe is trialling a genuine software test in the US, although I didn’t know it was running on Lightroom. Did you purchase direct from Adobe or from a third party? Are there instructions in the window?
I purchased the original v6 from Adobe, but used your link for the upgrades. The window offers an “FAQ” and and “remind me later button”, and a phone number to call, which only works weekdays. It hasn’t disable my app yet, but I’m worried.
The link is an official Adobe website, so that shouldn’t be an issue. I’d love to see that FAQ if you get chance to send me the link. Give them a call, and if you run into issues, let me know and I’ll get someone onto it.
Hi Victoria,
I used your link to upgrade to 6.7, and now a window comes up that says the software isn’t genuine. What’s up?
Thanks again, Victoria, for the update link. It worked perfectly, as usual. I’ve done a job through using 6.7, and it seems solid, using a mid – 2009 MBP 17 ( 2 x 3.06 GHz).
I get errors using the help/cloud update serice, and now I have tried 3 times to download the update but each time it says the zip is corrupt. Seems Adobe still have problems.
Try the direct link at the end of the blog post.
yet again I had an error. I tried to update but again it failed. Then I started Lightroom and it said it was Lightroom version 6.0 – it had gone backwards. Help….
I would simply uninstall and reinstall. If that still doesn’t work, something bigger is messed up, so use the Adobe CC Cleaner app to clear the gremlins.
Will I lose all my work or is everything preserved?
When I tried to install the update from your link it finished by saying my version was not licensed. This is when it went back to 6.0
I managed to reinstall back to 6.5.1, then I downloaded the update to 6.6 but that gave a checksum error.
Hi, I trust I will not loose all my work by deleting Lightroom and running the cleaner?
It would be sensible to back up first, whichever option you choose. Your catalog should be untouched, but presets/preferences might be removed by the CC Cleaner.
> OS X 10.9 Mavericks is no longer supported, as of this release.
It’s a bit sarcastic to list this under »improvements«. Does »not supported« mean it wont run at all in 10.9 anymore?
Sorry Alexander, a slip of the finger! At this point, it runs but they don’t support it. Likely in the next version, it simply won’t install at all. They only support 3 OS versions back, because the amount of testing is crazy, and they start to rely on features only available in modern OS’s.
No worries. Guess I’m one of the few who isn’t willing to follow Apple’s current yearly OS release marathon. Good to know it still runs on 10.9, thanks!
I wish I stayed up to date! Just realized I have Lightroom 5.7.1, and LR 6.7 is out. Probably means a double whammy of a price! Gah!
Just the normal upgrade price Michael, although I’d seriously consider the subscription at this point. Pros and cons are here: (and the upgrade link instructions are on there too, as the right page is hard to find on the website, if you decide not to go sub).
Thank you Victoria! The link you provided for pros/cons was great, I used the link you provided to purchase Lightroom CC. Thanks! Is it safe to keep LR 5.7.1 on my computer, or can I uninstall it? Is there a reason to keep it?
Thanks Michael. It’s fine to keep 5.7.1, but you won’t need it so you can safely uninstall.
I love that in your comparison about CC and Perpetual there’s the following:
Perpetual License
LR Mobile Sync not available
Online activation required (but doesn’t require ongoing internet access except for internet features such as mobile sync and Map)
How can there be no mobile sync, but it’s mandatory to have an internet connection for it. Is it available or not?
Ah yes, a typo! I’ll fix it, thanks.
Great news thanks for the info Victoria. As always I will wait to see if all is well before updating. Looking forward to the smart previews improvement. Best 🙂
I tried to do the update early this morning and I kept getting an error message at about 40% downloaded. I retried three times before needing to get to work so I don’t know if anyone else has experienced this. I want to get the update before updating OSX later today!
It seems to only been affecting some people, but Adobe have escalated the issue to the highest level, so hopefully it’ll be fixed soon.
That’s now confirmed fixed. Hit the retry button Bob!
Its about time they added this feature to the smart previews. Can you suggest to Adobe that they do the same thing with sharpening and noise reduction? I have to turn those off so my sliders respond quicker and then turn them back on at the end of my edit. There should be an option to keep them turned off by default but still render when viewed at 100% and also render automatically when exporting.
Request it at the Official Feature Request/Bug Report Forum at and I’ll vote on it.
Thank you for your vote! I posted the request here:
That sounds like a great idea! I’ll vote for it as well.
Thank you for your vote! Here is where i posted the idea: