The Lightroom cloud ecosystem has been updated today, with updates for Windows & Mac (3.1) and iOS & Android (5.1). (Lightroom Classic has also been updated.)
Contribute photos to other people’s accounts
When you give someone access to a Shared Album, you can set their access level to Can View or Can Contribute.
Since May 2019, invited guests set to Can Contribute could upload photos to your album via the web interface. For example, if you’re the designated photographer at a family event, you may invite family members to upload their photos to the shared album, so the whole family can enjoy them.
Now, these invited guests can also contribute photos directly from their Windows, Mac, iOS or Android Lightroom app. These Shared Albums appear in a new Shared with You heading in the Sharing panel.
Direct Import on iOS 13.2
You can now browse files on an attached memory card or camera and import directly into Lightroom, without having to first import photos into the Photos app. Using the Import dialog you can select all or specific photos to be imported.
Updated Export on iOS
The new export options that were added to Windows, Mac and Android in the last release are now also available on iOS. Click the Export As… to see the different options.
TIFF format available for Export to Photoshop
In the Share menu, you can now set to TIFF format. This is especially useful if sending to Photoshop for optimal quality. We suggest setting the Export options to TIFF, Largest Available Dimensions, 16 bits, ZIP compression.
New Camera Support
When a new camera is released, standardized formats such as JPEG, TIFF and DNG are supported immediately. Proprietary raw file formats are not standardized, so they must be individually added in a Lightroom release. Most cameras are supported within 2-3 months of their release. Raw file format support has been added in this release for:
- Canon EOS M200
- Canon EOS Ra
- Google Pixel 4
- Google Pixel 4 XL
- Nikon Z 50
- Sigma fp
- Sony a9 II (ILCE-9M2)
- Click to view the full list of supported cameras
New Lens Profiles
Many compact and mirrorless cameras have built-in lens profiles, but other cameras use lens profiles to correct for lens defects such as barrel/pincushion distortion and vignetting. New profiles are added with each Lightroom release. Click here for the full list of available Adobe Lens Profiles.
Bug Fixes
As always, the engineers have been working hard to fix bugs. Adobe only publishes the ones that were reported by users:
- Catalina compatibility fixes
If you find a bug, click here to learn how to report it to Adobe.
How do I update?
To update, go to Help menu > Updates or click the Update button in the CC app. The update servers take a while to push the updates around the world, to avoid overloading the servers. You can also open the Creative Cloud app, click Update on the left, then click the … icon (top right) and Check for Updates to give it a nudge. To update on mobile, visit the App Store (iOS) / Play Store (Android).
Is the book updated?
The eBooks for Adobe Lightroom – Edit Like a Pro are already updated for these changes, and can be downloaded immediately after purchasing. If you already have a current Lightroom Cloud Premium Membership, the updated eBooks are available for download in your Members Area.
Not getting the photos from direct import to show up. I see previews from the camera, select them and then hit Import. I then get messaged saying copying photos, copy complete, safe to disconnect camera. When I get out of the import screen I see a quick message at bottom of screen saying “Importing N photos, check progress in cloud menu.” But I don’t see any sign of the photos actually showing up anywhere.
When you tap the cloud menu, what does it show?
With the iOS update to 13.3, photos taken with the Lightroom camera on the iPhone (11 Pro) conveniently go straight into Lightroom on the phone, as advertised. However, without wifi, if I directly connect my phone to my iPad (also 13.3), there is no way (that I can find) to transfer these images into the iPad Lightroom library. Assorted exports and imports using the camera roll simply end up with jpeg versions when I’m looking to import dng. Is this a real limitation or am I missing something?
Interesting, that’s not a scenario I’ve come across before, and I suspect it’s one that Apple didn’t consider for their direct import API. How do you connect lighting directly to lightning? Is there such a cable?
I connect using a lightning to Thunderbolt cable – the iPad Pro uses Thunderbolt. There is also a USB to Thunderbolt adapter that can be used with the regular iPhone cable.
Oh yes, I forgot the new iPad’s are USB3. You could put in a feature request, but I don’t think you’re missing anything.
Thanks, I’ll give Adobe a try.
Hi Victoria,
Just FYI (I’ve reported it on the bug forum), I’m having trouble getting the direct import to work.
When attaching my DSLR to my iPad Pro (2018 11″), the direct import function doesn’t work properly. Everything appears to work fine and the images selected appear to import, but then they simply do not appear in All Photos.
I’ve tried this several times, but no joy. Importing via the Photos app still works, but not the new direct import function. The issue is the same for pics coming from both SD and XQD cards, jpgs and raw.
iPad is running iPadOS 13.3; LR mobile version is 5.1.0; DSLR is Nikon D850.
I’ll report back if I get a solution.
Thanks Iain, I’m following your bug report. It’s so new, I would imagine there’s still some OS bugs to work out, let alone Lightroom ones.
Can the catalog be moved to an external HD? I seem to remember reading a blog post from you that it had to remain at the default location, in my case Pictures/ Lightroom Library
It is working smoothly and I love the pro photo which is included in the IOS App. Nice touch
For Lightroom Cloudy, the Lightroom Library.lrlibrary file needs to stay in its default location.
I am having issues with the new LR update for 2 days. I’m trying different things, and I keep on getting a message that there is a problem updating the catalog and the catalog isn’t compatible with new update. Please send help 😂🤯
Best spot for issues like that is the bug forum.
hmmm , difficult to judge the catalina bug fixes if not clear which ones are fixes (cant write to user folder, can move photos, etc …) ?
There weren’t many Catalina bugs reported for the Cloudy app, most were Classic. Which are you seeing?
Can’t really see how to import from a card (except as below). I’m on Lightroom CC 5.1.0 (the new version, just updated) & iPadOS 13.2.3, on an iPad Pro. However, the ‘Import’ choices are only ‘From Camera Roll’ and ‘From Files’. I can do it via the ‘From Files’ choice, but that’s just the same as doing it via the iPadOS Files app. Is that what’s meant? It certainly works, including more than 10 images at a time (that’s been a bug, somewhere, since the first beta of iPadOS 13). The ‘From Files’ dialog box & selector screen doesn’t look like the screenshot above.
There should be an additional From Camera Device option in that menu when a memory card reader or (turned on) camera is connected. We’ve documented the workflow on page 34 in the latest Lightroom Edit Like a Pro book. Try rebooting, as it didn’t show up on mine initially.
Of course. Thanks; that worked. I’d restarted LR after the update but hadn’t rebooted. All looks good now.
Interestingly the display of the images shown in the Direct Import screen shows blanks for Raw files (at least, .CR3 images from a 90D).
Report it at so the engineers can check it out. I’m wondering if Apple’s not supporting the CR3’s yet.
Having problems downloading the updated version of Adobe Lightroom – Edit Like a pro to my Kindle app on my iPad. Any suggestions?
I’ll respond by email Phill, it’s easier to troubleshoot there.