Lightroom CC 2015.6.1 and Lightroom 6.6.1 have been released today. Double dot updates are released to fix problematic bugs that can’t wait until the next update.
In this case, it was a bug related to the new Develop preview pre-caching that was a little overzealous and was causing performance problems, a print profile issue on Mac, and a problem with DNG files from a Fuji X-E2. (For the update links, skip to the end of the post.)
New camera support:
- Fujifilm XT2
- Click to view the full list of supported cameras
Tethering for new cameras:
- No new tethering in this release
- Click to view the full list of cameras supported for tethering.
New lens profiles:
- No new lens profiles in this release
- Click here for the full list of available Adobe Lens Profiles
- Further user-created profiles can be downloaded using the Lens Profile Downloader (scroll down slightly, it’s at the end of the Resources section on that link)
Bug fixes:
There are a number of bug fixes. These are the main ones:
- Fixed – Uncompressed DNGs files converted from Fuji X-E2 RAF source images were unreadable.
- Fixed – OS X full screen mode was unavailable.
- Fixed – Errors that prevented customers from creating a panorama from two HDR DNG source images.
- Fixed – Guided Transform tool crashed if you clicked instead of dragged.
- Fixed – Shift T shortcut didn’t work for brush in graduated/radial filter.
If you find another bug, click here to report it.
How do I update?
To update, go to Help menu > Updates or click the Update button in the CC app. The update servers take a while to push the updates around the world, to avoid crashing the servers, but if you’re in a hurry to update, here are the direct links to the patches: Windows – Mac
Dear Victoria, I tried your link to the 6.6.1, but the package just installs 6.1, which I already had. I must be doing something wrong, or your link is to a wrong version.
Just odd….. there is indeed a 6.6.2 xml file in the package, but the ‘About’ tab in Lightroom shows 6.1
6.6.2 = type, fingers meant to type 6.6.1 🙁
Odd indeed. Quickest fix is probably to uninstall and reinstall.
I have light room V2.0 can I make it work on my iMac el capitan 10.11.6 or can I upgrade it to work
Lightroom 2 is so old that it won’t have been tested on El Capitan. It’ll probably work, but I’d suggest upgrading, as Lightroom’s made huge strides since 2008. Here are the upgrade details:
please please help me figure this out: With the changes to the Transform panel in Lightroom 2015 6.6, they took out the scale that allowed the creation or removal of a fisheye effect. It’s driving me crazy that NOBODY is talking about what they took OUT instead of just what they put IN… the “guided upright” stuff and such.
Please help me figure this out. I love to add change the perspective and add some fisheye effect on some of my photos and now cannot.
No, everything’s still there. I take it you mean the Distortion slider, which is at the top of the Lens Correction panel > Manual tab. There are screenshots on this post:
Thanks Victoria. I just installed on a MBP w/El Cap. Install was very smooth. I noticed the move from file to file in Develop is just a tick off the previous speed (i.e. “loading” on for just a second after the switch now), but moving from Library to Develop and back is MUCH faster (no rotating beach ball). Putting on my production iMac next.
Thanks again Victoria for the great forum and counsel!
Glad to hear it Mike!
Hi all,
Not very many comments. Is it really that clean?
It’s looking that way Mike! The bug report forum’s very quiet too.
just as a remark:
I’m using a Windows 10 system notebook with I7 CPU, 32GB if RAM, Windows system and Lightroom cache on fast SSD drive, photos on separate 4TB HD (Samsung P3, 4000GB), Lightroom catalog on another separate 512GB SSD drive (Samsung Portable SSD T3, 500GB)
Thanks for the thumbs-up on the new LR release. I’ve just installed it and am looking forward to a performance boost. My experience was the same as Andreas above — slow and lots of re-starts.
Related to that, I’m limping along on a 6-year-old MacBook Pro, 1 TB HD, 8 GB RAM, OS X Yosemite. Runs fine, just slow. Does anyone know if an upgrade to El Cap would help or hurt performance?
Hi Lawrence
I have 2 2009 MBPs and a 2009 iMac — all ran faster in general with El Cap. The best perf increases were on the lowest configs (i.e.RAM and processor clock), but better on all.
Installed this patch yesterday and believe it or not: the system is now much faster in develop module!!!
With version 6.6 I usually restarted Lightroom after processing 30-50 images as the system became so terribly slow.
Now it’s even possible to continue editing photos while doing an export in parallel (this was still working with the Lightroom 5 versions but all Lightroom 6 version became so slow during export that it was no fun to continue to edit in parallel.
Great to hear it!
The Updates… from the menu says it is “Up to date” as noted in my previous comment. I tried downloading the various updates/patches from this site:
but all fail with this error: Update is not applicable. Error Code: U44M2P28
So I started over. Deleted Lightroom 6 and redownloaded the original install file from my Adobe account. It installed correctly. This version says there is an update and downloads it — but this new version does not run on my older OS.
Still stuck trying to update past 6.1.
I’m still running Lightroom 6.1.1 on Mac OS X 10.8.5. If I check for Updates… it tells me it is up to date. Hah! Downloading from the link given above fails because that version will not run on 10.8.5.
So how do I get the most current version that runs on Mac OS X 10.8.5?
6.1.1 was the last version compatible with 10.8, which is a pretty old operating system now. Time to upgrade!
It appears that LR 6.3 is the last version compatible with 10.8.5. I was running 6.2 for a short while but reverted to 6.1.1 because of the Import changes. I’ve been running 6.1.1 since.
I was able to solve the problem.
Details here:
Oh good DB. Officially, support stopped with 6.1.1 (Lightroom CC 2015.1/Lightroom 6.1 and earlier versions are supported on Mac OS X 10.8. from but they obviously didn’t block it until a version or so later.