Over the last few weeks, we’ve discussed how to share web galleries from all of the different Lightroom versions. But how do you see the likes and comments that your gallery visitors have left on your photos? That’s the topic for the final post in the series…
There are 5 posts in this series:
- How do I share a web gallery from the Lightroom cloud ecosystem?
- How do I share a web gallery from Lightroom Classic?
- How do I set the web gallery permissions and settings?
- How do visitors navigate around my shared web gallery?
- How do I see the likes and comments visitors have left on my shared web gallery? (this post)
Activity View
In last week’s post, we looked at how visitors can use the Activity view in the gallery’s Detail view to add likes and comments, and of course, you can view comments there too.
The Activity view is not limited to the Web interface. It’s also available in the cloud-based desktop and mobile apps (but not in Lightroom Classic). Here it is on the desktop…
But how do you know which photos have activity? Do you have to look through all of the photos individually? Thankfully, no!
Cloud Notifications & Thumbnail Badges
The easiest way to spot your visitor’s activity is via Notifications. These are available in all of the cloud-based apps including the Web interface (but not in Lightroom Classic).
Simply click/tap on the bell icon at the top of the screen. A blue dot on the icon means that there are new notifications that you haven’t seen. You’ll receive notifications for any albums you own, plus any photos you’ve contributed to other people’s albums. Lightroom lists all of the recent activity, and clicking/tapping on a notification opens the photo to see further details.
In the Grid view in Lightroom desktop, thumbnail badges are automatically displayed on photos with likes or comments. In the iOS Grid view, go to the … menu > View Options > Activity to display the icons on the thumbnails. These icons aren’t currently available on Android or on the Web interface.
Lightroom Classic
As Lightroom Classic isn’t a full member of the cloud ecosystem, it doesn’t have the Notifications view, so you may want to use the Web interface to see when people comment. However, there are a few handy tools that can help.
When someone comments on your photos, a little yellow icon appears on the collection in the Collections panel.
The quickest way to find the latest comments is to select the Last Comment Time sort order from the Sort pop-up on the Toolbar. The thumbnails themselves display a yellow comment badge (as long as badges are enabled), which turns gray when you’ve viewed the photo.
The comments are displayed in the Comments panel at the bottom of the right panel group, and if you click in the field at the top, you can reply to the comments too.
That’s it for our Web Sharing series. How do you use Web Sharing? Let us know in the comments below!
And what other features would you like to see added to Lightroom’s web galleries? Learn how to add your own feature requests here.
For extensive information on Lightroom Cloud Ecosystem, see Adobe Lightroom – Edit on the Go.
Note: purchase of this book includes the first year’s cloud-based Premium Membership, giving access to download the latest eBook (each time Adobe updates the software), email assistance for the cloud-based Lightroom apps if you hit a problem, and other bonuses.
Great insights on tracking likes and comments in Lightroom web galleries! The step-by-step guide on using Activity view and notifications is particularly helpful. It’s fantastic to see how Lightroom integrates these features across different platforms, making it easier to manage and engage with viewers. Looking forward to implementing these tips in my workflow. Thanks for sharing!
We would like to save/export comments so they can be used in ArcGIS.
We share albums with clients who need to download the images with all the metadata AND the comments. Is this possible and if so how?
The clients wouldn’t be able to do it from Lightroom Web, but you might be able to do something with this plug-in: https://johnrellis.com/lightroom/anycomment.htm The developer John is active on our forum (link in the menubar), so if you post on there a bit more about what you’re trying to accomplish, he can probably give you a few clues.
I have shared galleries in Lightroom which are available to anyone with the link. Is there a way to tell the number of visitors to the gallery if they don’t leave a comment or a like but just view or download photos?
No, that’s not possible, sorry
that’s useful, thank you
Please can you help with the Flickr upload in Lightroom Classique LRC
I don’t like to have all the comments and likes downloaded to my Lightroom catalogue after uploading new photos to Flickr
How do I prevent this in LRC, which bottoms ?
Thank you for your attention
Klaus Ressmann
Full up to date paid member
I don’t think it’s possible to disable that. If it was possible, it would be in Jeffrey’s plug-in rather than the built in one.
When people like pictures in an online gallery, how do I collect those images? When for example they have a flag or a color label, it’s easy to filter/select them and put them in a new collection or export them for print. But I can’t find any way to filter or collect them based on likes. I use LR classic, maybe it’s only available in LR? In that case, I could collect them there and make a new collection and then use that in LR classic? But I’m hoping it would be as easy as a library filter.
Kind regards,
I know it’s silly, but there’s no easy way built in at the moment! There is a plug-in that can help though: https://johnrellis.com/lightroom/anycomment.htm