There seems to have been a recent flurry of plug-in releases, with many being real time-savers, and adding great new functionality to Lightroom. Here’s a few of the latest additions for you to explore:
SLR’s with video have quickly become popular, but until now, Lightroom hasn’t had the facility to import or manage those video files along with your photos. Jeffrey Friedl has done a great job of incorporating that into Lightroom, with his Video-Asset Management plug-in.
You’ll also want to explore his many other plug-ins, including uploads to SmugMug, Flickr, ZenFolio, Picasa Web, and Facebook. He’s also the author of my favourite Metadata Wrangler tool, GPS tools, and a few others besides.
Tim Armes, author of the well-known LR2/Mogrify plug-in has also been busy writing, and has released LR2/Tree Exporter, which can replicate your folder structure when exporting. Very neat! LR/Transporter is another of my firm favourites, as well as LR/Enfuse and LR/Blog.
Sean McCormack of Lightroom Blog has been busy with Twitter plug-ins, with export plug-ins for both TweetPhoto and TwitPic.
Many people have asked recently about an FTP export plug-in – if you download the SDK and unzip it, in the Samples folder you’ll find a ready built FTP upload plug-in. Don’t worry, there’s no programming involved! Install just like any other plug-in, and it’ll appear in the dropdown list at the top of the Export dialog, where it currently says ‘Files on Disk’.
There are more plug-ins appearing every day, so keep an eye on Lightroom Exchange for the latest.
I’m currently using Jeffrey Friedl’s Lightroom 2 plugin for Flickr and his Metadata Wrangler and love them. He’s done a great job with these plugins.
Another great developer of LR2 plugins is Timothy Armes. I use his LR2/Mogrify plugin as well as his LR2/Blog plugin for export photos directly to my Wordpress blog.