There are multiple ways of getting your books to your iPad/iPhone, but this is the simplest:
- Log into the Members Area using Safari or Chrome on your iPad/iPhone. (Other browsers may not work.)
- Go to the Content & Downloads page.
- Scroll down to the right membership and press the View button next to the eBook Downloads page.
- Scroll down to the download links and tap the format you want to download. (We’d recommend PDF or ePub – tap here to learn the difference. If you want to sync to your Kindle, use these instructions instead.)
- On iOS 14, confirm you want to allow downloads and allow it to download.
- On iOS 14, tap the Downloads icon and then tap on the downloaded book. (Or on iOS 12, tap Open in Books or tap More if you want to open into a different app, such as your favorite PDF reader).
- If you’ve downloaded the ePub, it opens automatically into the Books app.
If you’ve downloaded the PDF, it opens into the basic PDF editor, but we’d recommend transferring it to the Books app or your preferred PDF editor. Tap the Share icon in the top right corner. If Open in Books doesn’t show on the icons, scroll along to More to find it.
- This is the PDF version in Books:
- On iOS14, PDF’s aren’t automatically saved to iCloud. Select the Share icon at the top of the book, next to the Table of Contents, and select Copy to iBooks to save it to your Books storage, so you don’t have to keep downloading the book.
- To find it again later, open the Books apps, select Search at the bottom and search for Bampton or Lightroom. Tap on a book to open it.