Whether the cat walked over the keyboard, the toddler pressed random keys, or simply, the result can be part of Lightroom's interface going missing.These are the most frequent mishaps: The minimize/maximize/close buttons are gone! If … Click to continue
Oooops, how do I undo?
It happens to all of us... you move the wrong slider, sync settings across too many photos, or the cat walks over the keyboard and all of your hard work disappears. Your beautifully edited photo ends up looking completely different and they all end … Click to continue
Where have my panels gone?
Press Tab to hide the side panels, Shift-Tab to hide all of the panels, and repeat to bring them back. Alternatively, clicking on the black outer edge strip of each panel controls the individual panel groups. If only a single panel has gone missing, … Click to continue
Where’s my toolbar?
Beneath the main work area, or preview area, you’ll see the toolbar. If it ever goes missing, press the T key on your keyboard or select View menu > Show Toolbar. The options that are available on this toolbar change depending on your current … Click to continue
Disappearing thumbnail icons
Thumbnail icons seem to be going AWOL this week. I’ve had a number of people asking about missing thumbnail badges, both in the Grid view and Filmstrip, so here’s the rundown of settings:The Grid ViewIn the Grid view, there are 3 different … Click to continue