If you decide not to use Lightroom's built in camera - or you occasionally forget - you'll want to add other photos to Lightroom. This can be done automatically, so you don't even have to think about it, or manually. How do I add photos and videos … Click to continue
Lightroom mobile – how to use the camera and sync with the cloud
The Lightroom mobile apps include a built-in camera (not currently available on Android tablets), but why would you bother to open Lightroom instead of using the default camera app?The Lightroom camera has a number of advantages:Pro … Click to continue
Lightroom mobile – workflow overview
Before we dive in too deep, it helps to understand some of the terminology and core concepts behind Lightroom mobile, so here’s a quick overview of the Lightroom mobile workflow…First, you need to get photos into Lightroom mobile, whether they're … Click to continue
Lightroom mobile – who can use it?
Before you can start exploring the apps themselves, you need to know 3 things:How much it costs (if anything). What you need to run Lightroom mobile. How to get started.How much does it cost? The mobile apps are free so anyone can … Click to continue
Lightroom mobile – what is it?
More than 3 years have passed since the release of Lightroom mobile, but I know many of you still haven’t had time to investigate where the mobile apps fit in the Lightroom ecosystem, and more importantly, how they can help in your workflow, so in … Click to continue
Lightroom comes to Apple TV
Have you ever wanted to show friends and family your photos on your Apple TV? You could use AirPlay to stream them from your iPad, iPhone or Mac, but now, if you're a CC user, you can also download the Lightroom app from the App Store (fourth … Click to continue
Lightroom 5.4 bugs and Lightroom mobile workflow ideas
Lightroom 5.4 and Lightroom mobile have been available for about 10 days now, and of course a few bugs have reared their ugly heads. Here are the solutions and temporary workarounds:If Lightroom says "Sign in failure. Please try again later. … Click to continue