Just over 3 weeks ago, Lightroom 4.0 was released. Unfortunately a few big bugs slipped through the net, resulting in some users seeing significant performance problems, NIK software external editor issues, large folders without photos, and also some missing tone curves.
The engineering team have pulled out all the stops to make 4.1 available as quickly as possible, so that’s available to download as a release candidate right now. It also adds Canon 5d Mk3 support, for those with shiny new cameras.
The release candidate status means that it’s had a reasonable amount of testing (unlike a beta version) but they’d appreciate community feedback to see if they’ve solved the problems correctly.
You can read more about it at the official Lightroom team blog and download it from Adobe Labs.
In other news, my Lightroom 4 book is currently at the printers and ahead of schedule at the moment! More news on that in the next few days. The Workflow chapter is now included in the PDF download, and the ePub/Kindle versions should be available soon too.
Doesn’t look as if they addressed the faulty Auto-tone.
This was a very fast update to address the critical problems, whereas Auto-Tone logic will no doubt take a lot more work. I’d expect there to be more changes before 4.1 goes final.