Since Lightroom Classic was released on October 18, the most asked question is “where’s the Done button gone?” When we’ve used a program for a long time, some things are just muscle memory! So, what happened?
Where did the Done button go in 12.0?
The answer is actually quite simple. Just under the Histogram, you’ll notice that the Toolstrip now has an additional Sliders button. This replaces the old Done button in the toolbar, which often accidentally went missing when the cat walked across the keyboard and hit the T key.
Simple once you see it!
P.S. If you don’t like the change, complaining in the comments here won’t help. Click the Vote button on the request to bring it back instead. 🙂
For extensive information on Lightroom Classic, see Adobe Lightroom Classic – The Missing FAQ.
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Where is the “Synchronize” Button??? I edit one photo and want the changes to be synchronized on other chosen photos. Are those even humans that are on the job to destroy the program? WHY? I am loosing already one hour of searching, tutorials, help (answer: “no such term as synchronizing can be found”), I also asked my community on Facebook. They also don’t know. HOW do I do the most important action, I was used to use for so many years?
The Synchronize button is exactly where it’s always been in Lightroom Classic, bottom of the right panels if more than one photo is selected.
Unless, that is, you’ve moved to the cloud ecosystem, in which case there isn’t syncronize but there is copy and paste of settings in the … menu.
Pretty useful that my iMac is not compatible so I cant get any updates and keep losing actions…. are Adobe in cahoots with Apple to get you to buy a new Mac!!
Hi Nigel. Not compatible? Which iMac do you have? Lightroom 12 will run on Big Sur as the earliest OS version, and Apple can install Big Sur on iMac’s built since 2014.
When you say you keep losing actions, that’s probably something we can help you fix, if you want to post on the forum.
But it makes no sense that the new “Done” control looks like sliders. Why?
It’s not really a “done” button. Essentially there’s 5 modes – sliders, crop, healing, red eye and masking. You can’t have two modes open at the same time, so when you’re done with crop, you switch to a different mode. You could go straight to healing (or any of the other modes) rather than back to sliders.
What I assume, some Ux wizkid thought to improve usability by removing a unnecessary function: you can make any change and it is instantly applied to the image. So no need for a Done button. What they are missing is, how many users have been trained to do exactly that: make a change, and once happy commit it to the image by hitting Done. It is not helpful to remove this even if technically they are right.
The Done button wasn’t a commit button; it simply closed that tool. As with any of the Develop adjustments, you can always go back a History syep to undo it.
Ok, flawed from the start but changing something that has been basic operating procedure for a long period is not always the best decision.
Totally agree!! It’s infuriating.
All the standard edit controls have always remained when using crop, masking, etc. If, with the introduction of the edit button, those standard controls were hidden when in crop, masking, etc. it would make a lot more sense – it would be the button used to show those controls rather than the button to turn off other controls.
Of course there would be uproar that the standard controls were being turned off. All Adobe have done with the introduction of the edit button is highlight that the UI design was flawed from the start.
With the Crop tool I have always clicked it to start and when I have finished I just clicked it again and it turned off.
Then I am back at the basic tools.
Aber beim Zuschneiden der Fotos fehlt bei mir auch der Fertig Button.
> Translated: But when I crop the photos, the Done button is also missing.
Yes, the Done button is gone. Click the button marked with an arrow instead.
What am I missing?
What exactly replaces the “Done” button? I see five “buttons” (Edit, Crop. Healing. Red Eye Correction, and Masking), none of which indicate “Done.”
That’s a good question, we’ll update the screenshot with a big arrow. You can switch from any of those modes into any of the other modes. The old Done button took you back to the Edit/Sliders mode.