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CC App Workflow classic and cloud together


New Member
Jan 27, 2025
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 11
I am a regular user of LR classic in the photography plan. I never use photoshop though.
It is now possible in the 1TB cloudbased plan to work with LR classic and cloudbased as well.
Can someone tell me if its worthwile to change my plan? Can i use LR classic with the 1Tb cloud?
Assuming one is firstly an LrC user, why would I install both LRs on the same computer and have them both syncing:
I have both installed, mainly for syncing custom profiles to the cloud. Lightroom Classic doesn’t do that. And occasionally for changing a smart preview in the cloud for an original.
I have both installed, mainly for syncing custom profiles to the cloud. Lightroom Classic doesn’t do that. And occasionally for changing a smart preview in the cloud for an original.
If I do proceed with Lr that is how I would likely approach it. Since I rarely us PS these days I was looking into the Lr, LrC, 1TB plan but I'm not sure I would need 1TB yet. That plan is $12 a month instead of $10 but $2 is insignificant. We'll see how things go.
I thought I was is in trouble. Victoria logged on for a bit :oops:
Hey, I'm not that scary!!! ;)

I stated Victoria once said both want to be the boss. It was so long ago and if she did it was likely referring to syncing.
It might have also been in the context of deciding whether the cloud or Classic's catalog will be designated as your primary database. For most Classic users, the Classic catalog is the primary, which syncs to/from the cloud.
Hey, I'm not that scary!!! ;)

It might have also been in the context of deciding whether the cloud or Classic's catalog will be designated as your primary database. For most Classic users, the Classic catalog is the primary, which syncs to/from the cloud.
I know. I was kidding. The old coconut isn’t what it used to be. When I read an interesting summary like that it usually sticks around for future reference.

If you import into LR first, and it's especially handy when away from home. Going back, my first reaction to LrMobile was that I'd also like it on my Mac laptop, and I still wonder if cloudy LR is much more than that - LrMobile for the other computer.
Lr Mobile on the Mac is Lr Desktop. Because it is on a real computer, it has all of the features of mobile and then some. For Example "Enhance" (DeNoise)
is available on the Mac version.

Because importing on my iPad was so convenient on the road, I started using it at home as a front end to import when my Mac Studio was not handy.
I have both installed, mainly for syncing custom profiles to the cloud. Lightroom Classic doesn’t do that. And occasionally for changing a smart preview in the cloud for an original.
Thanks, I occasionally do both of those tasks, though I can use LrWeb to get full res files and videos online.