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What is the best way to align an object on a photo symmetricly?

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Active Member
Sep 7, 2018
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  1. Windows 10
What is the best way to align an object on a photo symmetricly, e.g. exactly in the middle. Is there a ruler / unit of measurement or anything like that? Or can one move the grid to align it symmetrically?
You need to center the object in the crop window. First you need to crop the image so that the crop window is smaller than the total image pixel dimensions to give your self enough wiggle room to move the image under the crop window to center the object Then choose the crop overlay that is a grid. You can cycle through all of the choices using the "O" shortcut key. Find the center grid line then click and grab the object that you want in the center and drag it to the center grid line,
If you do not have enough image outside of the crop window to permit you to drag the object to the center, you first need to export the image to a pixel editor like Photoshop and add "canvas" to the edges. then you can import this new larger image file and perform your centering process on it.
Thank you, that works well.

Then choose the crop overlay that is a grid.
Can I get a grid with more lines, e.g. 20 (like the grid in the normal view modus), especially to align / center small objects that would be better? When I press "o" the most lines I can get are 11 obviously.
So it is not like it is here where one can change the density:

OK, thank you

This is a different grid. It only shows when the Crop Tool is off. You need the crop tool active and a crop invoked to move the image to center an object within the crop window.
OK, thank you very much!
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