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Publish Services View 1:1 causes a re-publish

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Jun 13, 2017
Melbourne, Australia
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Lightroom Classic version 11.0
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I have recently set up some "Hard Drive" publish services for a project. I have noticed that sometimes (not always) viewing an image at 1:1 in the Library module causes a previously-published image to move from "Published Photos" to "Modified Photos to Re-Publish". This is clearly wrong - nothing has changed with the image, so there should be no need to re-publish it.

I am thinking that the unwanted status change occurs when the system generates a new 1:1 preview. I can't reproduce the problem on the same image again, presumably because a 1:1 preview has already been built. But any other image which shows the brief pause and "Loading..." message when going to 100% will produce the same behaviour.

Is this a known problem? Is it new to LrC Version 11.0?
I just noticed that on my published collections.

Hypothesis of what's happening: With the new masking feature, LR 11 changed how Develop local-adjustment settings are represented internally and externally in .xmp sidecars. When you upgrade a catalog, LR doesn't convert pre-LR 11 settings to LR 11 format immediately -- rather, it does it on demand.

When you view an image at 100%, LR has to re-render the image, since there wasn't a 100% preview saved away. That re-rendering causes LR to convert the pre-LR 11 local-adjustment settings to the new LR 11 format. And whenever the develop settings of a published photo changes, LR marks the photo as needing to be republished.

It would of course be better if LR were smarter and recognized that such a conversion of the settings shouldn't trigger republishing. But over the years there have been a number of such glitches caused by changes to develop settings in major versions. There doesn't seem to be much incentive for Adobe to fix the underlying architectural issue, since people experience the problem once every few years at most.

You can force these republishings to happen all at once (if you want) by selecting all the photos in your published collections and doing Library > Previews > Build 1:1 Previews and then doing Discard 1:1 Previews (to get back all that extra disk space).
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