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Library module Validate DNG Files


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Premium Classic Member
Apr 7, 2009
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  1. Windows 11
I wanted to use a couple old DNGs, 12 years old actually. I ran Validate DNG Files on them just in case there was a problem. On a relatively fast PC, it took 5m 17sec with the CPU running at between 20-30% per image. It ended with the message that the DNG was not validated. What's that all about? The DNG seemed quite usable in other respects.
What's that all about? The DNG seemed quite usable in other respects.
A Checksum value is generated initially and stored in the File header. Validate DNG reads the current file and generates a new checksum on the data block to compare against the value embedded in the header. If there have been no changes in the checksum, then the DNG is valid. If there is no checksum value present in the header, you cannot validate that the DNG is unchanged since it was originally saved.

I can not explain why the process was so long.
Thanks Cletus. I left it overnight and tried again. Not a problem. The same files and even older files validated in an instant. It has nothing to do with older files. I replicate the problem on recent DNGs. It's intermittent but related to the applying Denoise. Leave the image a few minutes and the issue clears. It may be due to some Denoise cache needing time to clear. Anyway, it seems I stumbled on a quirk that is effectively a non-issue. It's highly unlikely that anyone will want to Denoise then immediately validate. However, it may point to other functions being temporarily disrupted as a result of the application of Denoise.