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Catalogs Using LR to organize video clips?

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Jul 15, 2009
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Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I have a few thousand video clips from various sources such as DSLR, go pro etc. I tried using bridge to organize but find its takes too long to load and the keywording tool too hard to use. I m wondering if lightroom classic will be a good option and if there are any things to look out for?
When it works, you can use all of LR's organizing tools, including keywords, capture dates, and other metadata, for organizing videos. But as you can see from the forums, LR has always had many bugs with video, in particular, with importing and playback. It sometimes refuses to import common formats and codecs, and playback can be jerky.

I play back my LR catalog video using the operating system's default video app (Quicktime on Mac) rather than use LR, and I use my Any File plugin to make that easier (and to allow metadata to be written back to sidecars).
I have a few thousand video clips from various sources such as DSLR, go pro etc. I tried using bridge to organize but find its takes too long to load and the keywording tool too hard to use. I m wondering if lightroom classic will be a good option and if there are any things to look out for?

Why would you not do so? It's just a click of a switch to change your DSLR from stills to video, if that suits your subject, so why would you not organize and manage all these files together?

Bridge does allow you to add metadata to the file itself, or in Lightroom you can write and refresh metadata using my video metadata plugin.
So I tested out the process of using LR to organize videos. I m running with the latest LR update on windows 10. The video clips are 20s clips from DSLR (mp4 format). I notice LR is doing some processing of the clips before I can see them and that took a long time. I suppose it is trying to generate a 'preview' of each clip? Is there a way to setting inside LR to reduce the procesing time? I only need to see a few frames, as I m using LR to quickly mark clips as keep or delete.
No, there's no control over that.
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