Use of flags in "survey" view

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Active Member
Nov 28, 2010
Boston, MA
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
I often use Survey view when i'm trying to decide which photo of a group of similar photos i want to keep. What i'd like to be able to do is look at 3 or 4 photos in survey view, and when i decide i don't like one of the photos, flag it for deletion and then remove it from the survey view so i can focus on the remaining ones.

Here's what i've been doing:
  • in the grid view, select 3 or 4 photos and type "N" which brings up survey view
  • click on the photo i want to mark for deletion and type "X" as i would in the grid view.
  • Click on the "X" in the corner of the photo in survey view to remove it from the survey
  • repeat and rinse

I just discovered (to my horror!) that that deletion flag is being applied to ALL of the photos being "surveyed" (presumably because they are were all "selected" in the grid view). So if i was to cntrl-backspace i would delete ALL of the photos i originally had in survey view, not just the ones i thought i was marking for deletion.

Is there a nifty way to do what I want?
Go to Metadata>Enable Auto Sync and make sure it ISN'T checked.

That should prevent your X for deletion from being applied to anything but the active photo.
wow. this is exactly what i want. this option WAS checked for me and now i've unchecked it.

I've done some experimenting with it and want to make sure the behavior i'm seeing it how it should work (to make sure i understand it correctly).

with the setting OFF:

-- if i have multiple photos in Survey view, i hit "x" and only the currently selected photo is marked as rejected. Perfect.
-- if i select multiple photos in Grid view, i hit "x" and all the selected photos are marked as rejected. Again, perfect.

I guess the difference is that in Survey view only one photo is selected as vs. the Grid view where i have multiple photos selected.

Is that right? are there any other nuances i should be aware of for this setting?

again, many thanks. Very helpful.
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