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Updating process version for multiple photos?

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Nov 3, 2011
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
13.1 CR 16.1
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
  2. Windows 11
Hi folks,

I can't find anything searching for it: how does one update the process version for multiple photos / all photos in film strip? In the old days, there was a pop-up dialog where one could select a preview or to update all images in film strip when clickiong on that lightning symbol below the histogram. On my system and the latest LR version, there is no more pop up dialog, it simply updates the process version of that ONE photo I have selected.

Thanks for any pointers.
That dialog is still produced, but it also has a "Don't show again" option....perhaps you've checked that option some time in the past. If that's the case, use the "Reset All Warning Dialogs" option on the Preferences>General Tab, then try updating a process version again.
That dialog is still produced, but it also has a "Don't show again" option....perhaps you've checked that option some time in the past. If that's the case, use the "Reset All Warning Dialogs" option on the Preferences>General Tab, then try updating a process version again.
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how does one update the process version for multiple photos / all photos in film strip?

Alternatively, instead of waiting to see the update messages, you can initiate it yourself. Select any number of images in the filmstrip or grid, and choose (in Library) Photo > Develop Settings > Update to Current Process Version or (in Develop) Settings > Update to Current Process Version. You can also find that command by right-clicking any selected photo.

If you’d like to update all old process photos anywhere in the current catalog, Lightroom Classic also has Library module command Library > Find Previous Process Photos.
That dialog is still produced, but it also has a "Don't show again" option....perhaps you've checked that option some time in the past. If that's the case, use the "Reset All Warning Dialogs" option on the Preferences>General Tab, then try updating a process version again.
Ah, thank you, that was it!
Alternatively, instead of waiting to see the update messages, you can initiate it yourself. Select any number of images in the filmstrip or grid, and choose (in Library) Photo > Develop Settings > Update to Current Process Version or (in Develop) Settings > Update to Current Process Version. You can also find that command by right-clicking any selected photo.

If you’d like to update all old process photos anywhere in the current catalog, Lightroom Classic also has Library module command Library > Find Previous Process Photos.
Thanks, I was looking for something like this. However, I do not have a "Develop settings" entry in my Photo menu, I suspect that is a Mac option, I am on Windows. There is an option in SETTINGS - PROCESS VERSION, though, which I just discovered looking for your suggestion.
Thanks, I was looking for something like this. However, I do not have a "Develop settings" entry in my Photo menu, I suspect that is a Mac option, I am on Windows. There is an option in SETTINGS - PROCESS VERSION, though, which I just discovered looking for your suggestion.
That is actually found in the Develop module menu item {Settings}{submenu: Update to Current Process Version}
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