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Update all "Publish Services" that need updates

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Perry Smith
Sep 23, 2014
Leander, TX USA
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic version: 13.0.1 [ 202310121438-d2af310c ]
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
I have many galleries with the SmugMug service. Is there a way to easily find out which ones need to be updated or perhaps a way to just say "update all publish services"?
I "think" you can select multiple publish collections in the SmugMug Publish Service, them right click on the selected multiple publish collections and choose "Publish Now" in the context menu. This should cause all of the images needing published or republished to be updated at the SmugMug site. If all of the multiple publish collections don't get published, then you need to choose "Publish Now" in the context menu for each publish service collection to update. You do not need to wait until a publish collection has finished updating before starting the next one as Lightroom with open a separate publish thread for each that you have initiated.
I "think" you can select multiple publish collections in the SmugMug Publish Service, them right click on the selected multiple publish collections and choose "Publish Now" in the context menu. This should cause all of the images needing published or republished to be updated at the SmugMug site. If all of the multiple publish collections don't get published, then you need to choose "Publish Now" in the context menu for each publish service collection to update. You do not need to wait until a publish collection has finished updating before starting the next one as Lightroom with open a separate publish thread for each that you have initiated.
Thank you. I will try that perhaps before I go to bed tonight and let the crunch. I just started two updates and I guess because my images are on a remote file system, the user interface is now extremely sluggish to the point that it is unusable. So I will need to wait until what I have already started to finish before I can do much else.
The Publish Collections command of the Any Source plugin shows complete details about which collections need republishing and makes it easy to publish some or all of them or mark them as up-to-date. It also lets you publish multiple collections concurrently (most services are really slow with updates):


It's particularly helpful working around the longstanding marked-for-republish bug that Adobe apparently has no intention of every fixing (why I have 3690 photos needing republishing).
The Publish Collections command of the Any Source plugin shows complete details about which collections need republishing and makes it easy to publish some or all of them or mark them as up-to-date. It also lets you publish multiple collections concurrently (most services are really slow with updates):

View attachment 21951

It's particularly helpful working around the longstanding marked-for-republish bug that Adobe apparently has no intention of every fixing (why I have 3690 photos needing republishing).
I'm trying this now. Curiously, the user interface is good despite having 5 operations in progress. I don't know what happened the other day. The SmugMug plugin killed my user interface on that day but subsequent and previous times, the user interface was fine.
How do you mark some or all as "up to date"? I see a "Publish" button but I don't see a check box or button to "Mark as up to date"

makes it easy to ... mark them as up-to-date.

How often did I get annoyed with LrC telling me I need to republish individual photos because I just looked at an image or at its setting but did not do anything to the photo itself (I know about this strange behaviour from your explanations at Adobe Community). With 20+ collections/albums in my jfFlickr publish service and the need to always perform "Mark as up-to-date" twice (only Adobe knows why one time is not sufficient) it has been an ongoing, tedious effort to keep my Flickr section in LrC up-to-date while leaving the images at Flickr alone.

Now I learn from your post I have an automated solution for this at my fingertips, I just didn't know about this. Made my day, John! :)
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