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Catalogs Tryin to find the space-hogging culprit.


Nov 19, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I found a file in the Lightroom folder on my C-drive taking up about 50GB. The file that is hogging the space is: Lightroom Catalog-2-2v13-Prev.lrdata.
Can I safely delete this?
I found a file in the Lightroom folder on my C-drive taking up about 50GB. The file that is hogging the space is: Lightroom Catalog-2-2v13-Prev.lrdata.
Can I safely delete this?
It is not a file it is a folder. What is the name of your v14.0.1 catalog file? "Lightroom Catalog-2-2v13 Previews.lrdata would be the name of the previews folder for a catalog named "Lightroom Catalog-2-2v13.lrcat" "Lightroom Catalog-2-2v13-Prev.lrdata". is not related to or used by Lightroom in any way and was not created by Lightroom Classic with that name.
Here's what I see. Not sure if this is helpful but I do appreciate your effort!


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Startiong with LrC/14.0, they no longer rename the catalog when it is updated for a new release. Due to this infinate wisdom, the LrC/14.0 catalog probably still have a v13.3 name on it. Open LrC and then look at the Catalog settings to determine the name of your master catalog. At that point you can rename it using the new "Rename Catalog" function in the "file" menu. I'd name it something like "Lighroom Catalog v14.0". Then, using file manager it should be easy to tell which it is and which are older catalogs.
Everything starting with the new name you pick should be kept. Also take a look in the Lighroom Backups folder it may contain tons of backups which you can thin out keepping fewer of the older ones and more of the more recent ones.
To build on Dan's point, open Lr and use the Catalog > Rename function.

I would though suggest not including the LR version and instead using a distinctive name such as My Master Catalog, something that you will always recognise. After all, new versions of almost every other program don't force you to rename the file that you open, even if the new version makes changes that aren't compatible in an old version. So choose something you always know.

After the renaming, you will see YourNewName files in Explorer, and these are the ones you want to keep. The others can be backed up elsewhere, or deleted.

From your screenshots, it looks like the catalogue that you have open in LR is called Lightroom Catalog 2-2-v13-3, and its previews file is called Lightroom Catalog 2-2-v13-3 Previews.lrdata. I'll assume that this is your master catalogue, the one that you want to keep. You also have a catalogue Lightroom Catalog 2-2-v13, and some other older catalogues.

If Lightroom Catalog 2-2-v13-3 Previews.lrdata is the 50gb previews file that worries you, you can delete it. But this file/folder contains all the thumbnails and larger images that you see in LR's grid, filmstrip or loupe view, and it allows LR to display your photos' adjusted appearance without re-rendering the photos. So if you delete it, LR will be rebuilding its previews whenever you view photos.

Delete it if you wish, but also ask why you see 50gb as a problem.
Your Last screen shot shows that you have LrC open and the master catalog is named "Lightroom Catalog-2-2-v13-3.lrcat" Microsoft in thei infinite wisdom chooses to hide the file extensionx in the Explorer view. I believe that do this to protect users from themselves. You can change this in Explorer settings to always shot the file extension. This looks to be your current V14 catalog.

As others have pointed out, Adobe updated the current catalog by appending a "-2" at the end of the old version file name. Beginninf with version 10, they used the version number instead of the "-2". Unfortunately this has resulted in names like "Lightroom Catalog-2-2-v13-3.lrcat". Looking at your list, you have many previous version copies of old catalogs and Previews that are redundant. They all can be removed. Before deleting these, I suggest that you rename your catalog using the new menu item in the LrC Library panel, exit LrC and move them temporarily to another folder (in case you get it wrong). Once you determine that all is functioning properly, you can delete them permanently or everything but the catalog files . You can zip up the catalog files (*.lrcat) and move them to your backups folder.

I also note that your "Backups" folder is located in "C:\{userName}\Pictures\Lightroom|Backups\". You should relocate this to another disk drive because when your C:\ disk fails (and it will), not only will you lose your master catalog but also all of your backups of that catalog. Doing this and removing the previous copies of old catalogs should free up considerable space on your C:\ drive.
Thank you all for the thoughtful responses! It's a lot to digest...I'm admittedly quite uneducated in the computer side of being a photographer. I'd soooo much rather be outside shooting, but...I have to deal with this eventually.
This site is very helpful...glad someone pointed me here!
So...may I ask...
1-Can I simply cut the whole LR folder and relocate to my D-drive? Would it be better to copy it there first and delete after things are tested for integrity?
2-Should I rename my catalog before or after?
3-When I open LR initially afterward (relocation and renaming), will it automatically find what it needs or should I be prepared to direct it to the newly named catalog?
Thank you for your patience, and please correct me if I'm using incorrect terminology!
1. I'd copy it and then delete after you're sure it arrived OK.
2. I don't think it matters.
3. Open LRC by double-clicking on the moved catalogue. Make sure in Preferences->General->Default Catalog that future openings of LRC will open your new copy.
1. I'd copy it and then delete after you're sure it arrived OK.
2. I don't think it matters.
3. Open LRC by double-clicking on the moved catalogue. Make sure in Preferences->General->Default Catalog that future openings of LRC will open your new copy.
Do step 2 before deleting the files from the old location. Just in case ...