Trouble with Virtual Copies

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Premium Classic Member
Nov 26, 2010
Vermont, USA
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
I've been having a problem creating virtual copies in the Develop module. I used to always use the keyboard shortcut command apostrophe and it worked. Lately whenever i do this I get a before/after view. I'm on an iMac with most current os and using the most current LR cc.

I have tried resetting preferences and this did not work. I also took all system keyboard preferences to default but hadn't ever messed with them anyway just in case.

Today I noticed this.
Screen Shot 2016-03-03 at 9.26.42 AM.png Screen Shot 2016-03-03 at 9.27.34 AM.png

Notice the keyboard shortcut is the same for both. Not sure why it used to work as virtual copy but now does before an after. Any ideas welcome. Kind of driving me crazy as this is a shortcut I use often and now have to keep going back to library mode to get it to work then back to develop. A pain. Of course I could just use the pull down menu but would really rather not if anyone has a solution.

Thanks in advance for any ideas.
I am pressing the command key with the apostrophe DGStinner. Thanks

Johan, I find it very strange that my menu shows something different. And yes it very much used to be y for me as well. Not sure how/why this would change. But as you can see from the screen shots it has. A mystery for sure.

Thanks for your replies, hopefully someone else may have a solution to the mystery.

That screenshot isn't definitive. Could you show a screenshot of the LR About box?

Movies & TV_2016-03-03_11-22-44.jpg
Make sure to delete all preferences after uninstalling.
I forget where the key map is kept in the Mac but it is not in the standard application location.
Also, Mac like Windows has a system to help those who are disabled; and I have seen this do funny things to some applications.

So as an update in case anyone ever encounters this, which they probably won't as I seem to be able to manage some strange things.

Months ago I had downloaded keyboard tamer a plug in for modifying keyboard shortcuts. My main goal was to change the larger/smaller brush size key location. I was completely unsuccessful so uninstalled the plug in. Apparently in my messing around I had somehow changed the behavior of the (command ' ) shortcut in the develop mode. Probably just testing. I guess I didn't realize that even if I deleted the plug in the changes remained. I also didn't recall making the change. Anyway long story short I decided on a whim today to reinstall the plug in to see if I could somehow see if I had made some sort of change that I couldn't recall. Once installed I just pressed the restore defaults button, restarted LR and thank goodness the command ' key works again as expected.

Lesson for me - keep better notes of any kind of changes I make in the future. Thanks everyone for your kindly trying to help me.

Have you double checked System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts? It's possible that you've edited the shortcut at OS level.

The other possibility is the TranslatedStrings.txt file, although you'd probably remember editing that in a text editor.
Have you double checked System Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > App Shortcuts? It's possible that you've edited the shortcut at OS level.

The other possibility is the TranslatedStrings.txt file, although you'd probably remember editing that in a text editor.

I think the OP just found out what happened. He used a plugin (keyboard tamer) to remap some keys. He uninstalled it again, but apparently did not reset everything first, so the changes remained even after the plugin was gone.
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