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Travel Catalog w multiple file folders

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Kirby Krieger

Active Member
Premium Classic Member
Mar 12, 2017
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic version: 10.0 [ 202010011851]
Operating System
  1. macOS 10.14 Mojave
Hi. I've confused myself again. I'm trying to create a robust workflow for importing files into a travel catalog, adding keywords from my extensive keyword list, including Faces (not critical), and merging the travel catalog to my main catalog _and move files into existing folders on my main computer_.

All in Lightroom Classic 10.0 on Macs. Desktop and laptop computers. Because I still also use Aperture, both computers are on Mojave.

The simplest version of the question is:
How can I end up with (files imported into a travel catalog) added to (folders in the main catalog)?
A few additional notes.
  • I found my copy of the Lightroom Missing FAQ. I understand that Face-selection data cannot be available in a travel catalog. I can work with that.
  • I think I don't need any advice on keywords. I include a place-holder image from my main catalog that has all keywords applied when I create my travel catalog. This brings the entire keyword hierarchy to the travel catalog. (Been doing this for years.)
  • The FAQ assumes (for good reason) that the Photos imported to the travel catalog will be in date-named folders. This is what I want to do differently. By example, if my main catalog has folders for the the families Stand, Wise, and Brown, I want to be able to assign travel catalog Photos to Stand, Wise, or Brown, and have them moved to those folders when I merge the travel catalog into the main catalog.
  • The main catalog is in a location with poor and expensive Web access. "Sneaker-net" is preferred.
Hi. I've confused myself again. I'm trying to create a robust workflow for importing files into a travel catalog, adding keywords from my extensive keyword list, including Faces (not critical), and merging the travel catalog to my main catalog _and move files into existing folders on my main computer_.

All in Lightroom Classic 10.0 on Macs. Desktop and laptop computers. Because I still also use Aperture, both computers are on Mojave.

The simplest version of the question is:
How can I end up with (files imported into a travel catalog) added to (folders in the main catalog)?

Why are you still using Aperture??? Lightroom do everything that Aperture could when they were both at v3. Lightroom has advanced to v10 AND you have Photoshop. Get rid of Aperture and migrate your Aperture Library to your Lightroom catalog..

Copy your master Lightroom catalog to the laptop Use that to import travel images Everything in the copied catalog will be on the laptop except the previously imported master images.

When you return either use the Export as a catalog function to create a package to take to the desktop then use the “Import from another Catalog”.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Why are you still using Aperture??? Lightroom do everything that Aperture could when they were both at v3. Lightroom has advanced to v10 AND you have Photoshop. Get rid of Aperture and migrate your Aperture Library to your Lightroom catalog.

I know. I have deeply devoloped Aperture workflows and Keyboard Maestro macros that work. But I'm overdue to convert everything to Lightroom.

My photo management overlaps. I have working catalogues in Lightroom — I haven't added any photos to Aperture in well over a year.

Copy your master Lightroom catalog to the laptop Use that to import travel images Everything in the copied catalog will be on the laptop except the previously imported master images.

When you return either use the Export as a catalog function to create a package to take to the desktop then use the “Import from another Catalog”.

Will that put the imported-to-Lightroom files in the locations I want on the main computer?
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