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Three images at 4x3 Auto height ratio

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Active Member
Jun 27, 2014
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CC Classic, updated frequently
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  1. Windows 10
Hi alll,
I would like to combine three images at lightroom keeping a 4x3 ratio. In which lightroom module I will be able to achieve that?

I would like to thank you in advance for your help.
What do you mean with 'combine'? Making some kind of collage? Lightroom is not really the application to do this. You could use a work around by going to the Print module, setup a 4:3 ratio page, create a package print and then print to JPEG, but that is far from ideal. This is Photoshop territory.
What do you mean with 'combine'? Making some kind of collage? Lightroom is not really the application to do this. You could use a work around by going to the Print module, setup a 4:3 ratio page, create a package print and then print to JPEG, but that is far from ideal. This is Photoshop territory.

Yes, for example take three portrait images and put them side by side with some space in between. Are there any other recommendations from your side on how to do that?

You could also use a word processor with page layout capability (assumimg you can speciifiy custome page sizes). Then out put the page as a PDF or Jpeg for printing.
thanks a lot. I will try to see how to implement that on photoshop. Can also illustrator be a good way to achieve that?
Yes, it would not be impossible with Illustrator either, but why would you want to use a hammer to drive a screw into wood? You have Lightroom Classic, so you have Photoshop too.
Depends on your skill level of PS versus skill level in other products.
Perhaps so, but if somebody needs to ask me whether Illustrator could be used, then that does not suggest a high skill level of Illustrator to me. So my advice still stands. If you need to learn to use the tools anyway, then start by picking the right tool for the job.
Perhaps so, but if somebody needs to ask me whether Illustrator could be used, then that does not suggest a high skill level of Illustrator to me. So my advice still stands. If you need to learn to use the tools anyway, then start by picking the right tool for the job.

good advice indeed. How about to give me a hint on which tools to use for that? I can make a new document(file) in photoshop with the needed ratio but how I can make sure that all pictures align at exactly the same location?

good advice indeed. How about to give me a hint on which tools to use for that? I can make a new document(file) in photoshop with the needed ratio but how I can make sure that all pictures align at exactly the same location?
If each picture is in a different layer, then all you need to do is select these layers and then select the 'Move' tool. In the toolbar you will then see options for aligning the layers.

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