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The destination folder ... is not available. Using “Pictures” folder instead.

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New Member
Dec 1, 2008
Lightroom Version Number
LRC 13.0.2
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
I found an older thread (4 years) for this message and thought it best to start a new one. I may have shot myself in the foot because I just now noticed the warning above about updating to Mac OS Sonoma 14.2. I have done that. My operating environment is Mac OS 14.2 and Lightroom Classic 13.0.2. I am trying to import HEIC files.

Today I was trying to import some images and it is not working. I start by launching LRC and I am in the Library Module. As soon as I click the Import button on the lower left part of the screen I get the "The destination folder... is not available. Using “Pictures” folder instead."

Why is LRC telling me the destination folder is not available when I haven't yet specified a destination folder!? If I select other destination folders and select the images from the source folder, which happens to be my downloads folder, the Import button stays dim.

Have I done something dumb or is the bug mentioned above.

Please disregard my thread. I am an idiot. Problem has been solved.
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