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Syncing problems due to corrupted photos imported from LR 6

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New Member
Feb 1, 2018
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Cloud Service
Operating System: MacOS
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): Lightroom CC

I have LR Classic and have recently subscribed to LR CC.

I have migrated LR6 catalog to the LR CC app for Mac.

I have synced my photos with the cloud and when finished I get an error message in the cloud icon, that indicated that there are corrupted photos that cannot sync.

I have tried to identify the corrupted Photos, but I have over 60k pictures, so I cannot review them one by one.

When I upload a new photo, it actually synces with the cloud, but the result is that I have different number of photos synced in the Mac, the Surface, and the iPhone

My hope is that if I eliminate the corrupted photos, the total number of photos sinced in all the devices is the same.

Can anybody help me?

Thank you very much.

Photos at devices:

MAC 65.071
IPAD 64.949 -122
IPHONE 64.949 -122
SURFACE 64.951 -120
WEB 65.091 +20
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