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Synchronize Folder-Why Run the Other Way?

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Dec 29, 2017
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
LRC 12.0
Operating System
  1. macOS 12 Monterey
In the latest email about some dude that lost a bunch of images it is stated to run the other way if someone suggests "synchronize folders." I can't find any info on the LRQ site explaining why. I use it all the time, I'm just very careful to note any missing files and go find them before I allow LR to remove them from the catalogue. Any time I've made edits in apps that don't round trip to LR I save those files back to the same folder then sync the folder and voila the folder is all up to date with the new images in the catalogue. So, if there are detailed reasons to not use this please point me there, I've done a search and couldn't find any further info.

LR user since about 2006
Hi Patrick

If you’re careful to read the dialog, you’ll be fine. The problem is most people don’t read it. There was a case I saw this morning, the lady had lost her originals and thought it would be helpful to synchronize the folder, and in the process deleted the only copy of of the photos she had left (the previews & smart previews). She had no backups so she was distraught!

For a bit more background, here’s a blog post we wrote a few years ago: www.lightroomqueen.com/synchronize-folder/
Hi Victoria,

Thanks for speedy response! Great, that confirms I've understood the proper way to use the sync folders command. FYI, I searched on LRQ specifically for "sync folders" and that blog post did not come up.

I'm trying to help a friend who doesn't quite grasp the LRC concept and would have him sync folders and don't want to be "that guy" that gave bad advice!

Thanks again,
FYI, I searched on LRQ specifically for "sync folders" and that blog post did not come up.

Good to know, thanks. I'm looking for ways to improve search here, and I must remember to update that email to link directly to that post as you were the second person to ask that very same question yesterday!
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