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Jun 14, 2024
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Operating System
  1. macOS 15 Sequoia
  2. iPadOS
Good morning, I'm asking for help.
On LR classic I enabled sync for collection to have the photos also on LR mobile.
However, some collections on LR Mobile contain fewer photos than those in the LR Classic albums.
There are no synchronization errors or metadata conflicts.
Binary Uploader under fileName does not report any photos that block the process
Is there a system to know which photos are not synced ?
Thanks to anyone who can answer me
Definitely photos, or could the difference in count be videos? Classic doesn't upload videos, so it could potentially account for it.
Definitely photos, or could the difference in count be videos? Classic doesn't upload videos, so it could potentially account for it.
Thanks, I don't make videos and I only have Raw files and some jpegs.
For example, in the collection of the last holiday on LR Classic I have 3444 photos (61 jper, 15 Heic, the others Raw) but in LR Mobile (Ipad/web) only 3167.
How do I find the missing ones?
Why aren't there any if there are no errors marked?
thanks again
That is a good question. Ignore mobile for the minute, let's concentrate on Classic and Web. Anything showing up in Sync Issues on the web? Does Classic look like sync is complete? Does the overall All Synced Photos count in Classic match the web All Photos (e.g. is it just the collection/album that's missing them or are they missing from the cloud completely?
Thanks for the reply.
I finally used the Delete LR Library command and started syncing my collections again.
I select several for each session, check the metadata and fix any errors.
So far everything is going very well, it takes a little while but the mac works by itself while I'm in the office....
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