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Sync Sync Activity stuck on one photo

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Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 11.47.35 AM.png

Originally imported to Lightroom Mobile on my iPadPro At some point the file was deleted and never made it to the Adobe Cloud It is not in the Deleted album even though the capture date is 04/08.2024.

It is not present on the iPadPro that I use to import my Nikon files. It is not any where in the Adobe Cloud and has never made it to my LrC Master catalog. How do I clear this? Others items are waiting to sync and LrC is not cooperating.
Have you checked LrWeb for a Sync Errors album in the All Photos section?
That worked! I looked on LrD for deleted album, even did a search for the file by name. Repeated the search on the iPad with the same results. I had never noticed a Sync Errors album on LrWeb before (Probably because I never had one before).

Prior to your reply, I realized the original was still on the camera card. I Imported it to LrC which synced a Smart Preview DNG to the Cloud, I then imported the original into LrD, deleted the image. And Lr Mobile would not let me import the "Duplicate " to the Adobe Cloud and until your post I was still stuck.
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