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Some "item Invalid" flag in "Lightroom Cloud"


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Premium Cloud Member
Nov 15, 2023
Cranbourne East 3977 Victoria Australia
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  1. Windows 10
Greetings. I have a red tag on the Cloud icon in LR version 8. My Library is / was stored on a 4T HDD. (D:) . I replaced with a 4T SSD Since then the Red tag has appeared. LR is working correctly. No images are found searching for "errors" How do I find the Invalid "item /Photo Invalid" The images is also stored on the E: (partition on the SSD drive) Lightroon CC folder.

I have cleared the cache, Reinstalled Lightroom without any effect.
Update. I have synced the Lightroom cloud on another PC. The same issue is on a second Windows 11 PC. Would indicate to me the Invalid file is in the cloud. Still begs the question on how to local the Invalid photo .
Thanks Victoria. I have followed the steps . When I select "errors" I get the message "Oh NO a black Hole" There are no images to select. don't know where to go from here. Any suggestions would be welcome.
A long shot, but try running a diagnostic log. Go to Edit menu (Windows) / Lightroom menu (Mac) > Preferences > Account tab and hold down the Alt key (Windows) / Opt key (Mac) to display the buttons. Hit the Diagnostic Log button. Lightroom generates the log and offers to open it in your web browser or show it in Explorer (Windows) / Finder (Mac). You can have a look around it yourself, or if you send it to me via the contact form (with a link to this thread), I'll see if I can spot the error.

You could also try the web interface, to see if there's anything in the Sync Errors album.