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Smart Collection - "all" with "or"

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David Gordon

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Jul 8, 2017
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Lightroom Classic version: 13.0.2 [ 202311290958-8ff975ea ]
Operating System
  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
I have a Smart Collection where the rules are set to 'all' to find images in a specific folder which are raw and have a specific keyword. It works fine. But I now have a DNG file in that folder with that keyword and it doesn't appear in the Collection.

The options for 'File Type' include raw and various types of DNG. I assumed DNGs were treated as raw and included in the raw option - I'm sure that's from experience somewhere in Adobeland.

Assuming nothing else amiss, how can my rule be 'match all': Folder contains all Folder Name, Keywords contain qwerty, File type is Raw OR File type is Digital Negative (DNG)?

Match 'any' obviously can't work as that gives me every file in the folder. Is there a logical way of doing this?
Hold down the Option key. The plus button to add another criterium will change to a hashtag. If you click on it you will get an ‘or’ option, so your smart collection can now become something like “contains A and (B or C)”.
Hold down the Option key. The plus button to add another criterium will change to a hashtag. If you click on it you will get an ‘or’ option, so your smart collection can now become something like “contains A and (B or C)”.
Hold down the Option key. The plus button to add another criterium will change to a hashtag. If you click on it you will get an ‘or’ option, so your smart collection can now become something like “contains A and (B or C)”.
Brilliant! And the missing DNG just appeared. Thank you Johan.
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