tom manley
Hi, I've been a Lightroom user since the beginning and developed my workflow over releases 1 - 5, buying or downloading perpetual licenses and with a disk copy of Adobe CS5.5 for integration with photoshop etc. Over the last few years i kind of stopped my learning curve, and got on with what i did editing my images, as i had a set up and workflow that was working well and found that smart previews and lightroom mobile etc were not really tools i needed. Most important for me are effective professional developing tools, metadata management ( keywords etc ) and catalogue organisation. So i now find myself getting round to updating system and am seeking advice on where to go and catching up on releases etc- Adobe has made significant changes - and am thinking of starting a subscription based package - is there a package that would enable me to upgrade from 5.7 to the latest classic version of Lightroom and Photoshop with the option of upgrading other pieces of software within the suite - i.e. indesign, illustrator etc. ( i do not wish to use cloud based storage of Lightroom CC ) Hope this is clear and any help would be appreciated.) Im also thinking of trying Capture One and wonder if other photographers have experience of working with both platforms.
Operating System: Mac OSX 10.9.5
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): 5.7
Operating System: Mac OSX 10.9.5
Exact Lightroom Version (Help menu > System Info): 5.7