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Searching by location

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Mar 6, 2019
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I thought a location search for images that captured their GPS location would be easy but I'm a bit perplexed. I want to do a manual search and also create Smart Folders based on location. I've not manually added the location - such as a town or suburb - to the metadata fields in Lr but thought I might be able to search that info via the GPS data, but perhaps its not actually there. I've seen the location displayed in the metadata before but can't seem to see it now. Can someone enlighten me as to what Lr captures and how I can search that data?
I've seen the location displayed in the metadata before but can't seem to see it now.
For this part of the question, at the top of the Metadata panel check which metadata set (not metadata preset) is selected. For example, the Default set does not show location data, but several of the other sets do such as the EXIF and IPTC set, and of course the Location set.

I just did a quick test in Lightroom Classic 12.1, by doing a search on a city that was automatically entered (displayed in italics) in the City field based, on the GPS coordinates recorded by my phone that took the photo, so this is metadata that I didn’t manually enter. The Find command found the photos from that city. Of course, it found only the matching photos that were within the currently selected source (folder or collection).

I then switched to a folder of film scans where I entered the City manually, and did a Find on another city. Lightroom Classic found that too. So it looks like it should be able to find location names that were entered either automatically or manually.
Thanks for that I now realise the location data is not displayed in the default metadata panel. I've discovered in the process that some regional towns are listed under sublocation, even though they should be 'city' in my reckoning as that's where you enter them in a satnav. I've changed my Smart Collection to have the name of the town under both city and sublocation with AND boolean.
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