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  • Are you using the cloud-based Lightroom apps for iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, and Web? Then you'll love my book, Adobe Lightroom - Edit on the Go!

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  • 14 August 2024 It's Lightroom update time again! See What’s New in Lightroom Classic 13.5, Mobile & Desktop (August 2024)? for the bug fixes. Hopefully this will fix many of the sync issues reporting in Classic 13.3 and 13.4.

Samsung General Discussion (S8, Tab S High End)

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Amateur Photographer ~ 4 years experience
Mar 27, 2016
Canberra, Australia
Lightroom Experience
Lightroom Version
Cloud Service
Right... well I got a Samsung S8 and WOW this is a good photographic device... That any my Samsung S2 - both with photographic quality screens and we're good to go..

so I have tethered a Canon EOS70D to the S8 via USB (wifi tethering SUCKS - this is SO much better!) and can do pretty much everything and more with DSLRController...

The kicker though - is not being able to then fire up Lightroom Mobile and work on the RAW CR2 files straight away..

Now I know that CR2 processing is probably too much for a device, so I am wondering if there are any plans to enable this via Lightroom in the cloud or something... Even if I could rope in my PC at home that'd be great..

Adobe Lightroom handles DNG output from the phone's camera fine though, so there must be a way.

I wish camera manufacturers would just use DNG!!!
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