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Library module Renaming

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Jul 10, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
When renaming images in Lightroom I'm left with the original SOOC files and a set of renamed files as Raw files, as well as the exported renamed jpg files.
Is there a way to be left with only a set of renamed files
I created a test folder, copied a raw file to this test folder.

Using the menu Library / Rename ...... I selected the option to rename with the original name plus a sequence number.

It renamed the raw file to the new name. It did not leave a second copy of the original image.

I used the Menu options rather than the F2 shortcut.... as I am using F2 for another global shortcut (ie for all apps, not just Lr).
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I always rename my photos and videos after importing and culling (inside Lightroom Classic, using F2) and am never left with what you call the SOOC files. So I think what you see is not intended behaviour, but have no clue as to why this is happening to you. How do you rename your images?
Renaming in Lightroom and renaming on export are two different things . On export you get to name the new derivative file what ever you like. Renaming in LrC involves changing the name of the original file (I think Matt has pointed this out). You can do this on import in the Import dialog or by selecting the image files after import.

I prefer keeping the original SOOC file name, since I can return to a backup copy of the original if I need to.
On export I will give the file a descriptive name, always retaining the 4 digit filename number suffix. I do this because the derivative file is not managed by LrC and may travel out of my control to a website or a 3rd party printer.
When renaming images in Lightroom I'm left with the original SOOC files and a set of renamed files as Raw files, as well as the exported renamed jpg files.
Is there a way to be left with only a set of renamed files
Sounds like perhaps you copy the SOOC images to your hard disk first, and then try to rename them when you import them in Lightroom? If you rename during import, then you’ll have to copy the images. The option to rename images is not available if you only add them to the catalog and leave them where they are. So that would explain why you end up with renamed images in Lightroom, but still have the SOOC images on your hard disk. These images should not be in Lightroom however. I’m puzzled however where those exported JPEGs come from if you did not do that intentionally.
Thank you, everyone, for your replies, my process is as follows.
1 Copy images from the card to the client's folder on Hard Drive
2 Import into Lightroom
3 Edit in Lightroom
4 When finished editing go to Library, select chosen files and Edit-Rename files
5 Select files and export them as jpegs to the selected folder on Hard Drive

I'm going to go through everyone's Suggestions.

I suggest (and you may be doing this already) is to export the jpgs to a subfolder of the Client Folder.

You can set up your export pre-set to do so automatically. eg.

It is also easy to refine this to suit specific scenarios... eg. ClientJpgs_FirstDraftVers.

In this way...
  • Your exported images are always separated from the initial captures.... so easier to edit, re-edit originals without having to find them among all the previous exported versions
  • Your client sub folders become a record and repository of the images you sent to your client.
  • It is really easy to find stuff months and years later.
I always click the option to include in the Catalog, as Lr has the best tools available to manage such files.
Thank you, everyone, for your replies, my process is as follows.
1 Copy images from the card to the client's folder on Hard Drive
2 Import into Lightroom
3 Edit in Lightroom
4 When finished editing go to Library, select chosen files and Edit-Rename files
5 Select files and export them as jpegs to the selected folder on Hard Drive

I'm going to go through everyone's Suggestions.


I suggest this workflow instead:
1. Import from the camera card into LrC, with the Clients folder as the destination and renaming during import.
2. Edit in lightroom.
3. Select files to export as JPEGs to the selected folder

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