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Recent weirdness: Jpegs are importing with Raws, despite unchecking: Treat Jpegs and Raws as separate

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Oct 7, 2008
Auckland, New Zealand
Lightroom Experience
Power User
Lightroom Version
Lightroom Version Number
Lightroom Classic version 13.1, 10.1.1 release
Operating System
I shoot Raw+Jpeg but exclusively use Raw files. Recently with my Fuji cameras (Xpro2 & GFX50R) the Jpegs are importing and are viewable in Lightroom despite the LR preference, 'Treat Jpeg files next to raw files as separate photos' being unchecked.
And to clarify why I shoot Jpeg & Raw: it is so that I can get a much larger resolution preview in-camera as I shoot, to check focus, content, etc. Annoying but necessary for professional workflow.
I am on an i7 6core MacMini (highly specced with Ram and eGPU), two graphics monitors.
Any thoughts as to what is going on here?
I've switched the checkbox on and off again, but no luck.
Should I reset preferences and if I do, will that mean I lose something/anything/nothing? – I'm Not wanting to find out by trial and error.
I started noticing this new behaviour in January, but I'm not sure of the timing in regards to LR updates.
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