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RAW defaults

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Bryan Whitlock

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Premium Cloud Member
Feb 24, 2019
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LrC 13.1
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  1. Windows 10
Should I be using my camera default RAW (Sony RX10M4) or Adobe default RAW when importing images?
Should I be using my camera default RAW (Sony RX10M4) or Adobe default RAW when importing images?
Assuming you are referring to the Raw Default settings on the Preferences>Presets tab, that's very much a user decision. Simply import a few images using Adobe Default, then play with them a little in the Develop module.....in the Presets panel>Defaults section you will find presets for Adobe Default and Camera Settings. Simple to switch between both presets to get a sense of which initial rendering you prefer, then whichever one you think is best you have the option to change Preferences to make that your default.
If you are talking about 'COPY AS DNG', see this related post https://www.lightroomqueen.com/community/threads/copy-or-copy-as-dng.36702/. Personally, I keep the camera's RAW format rather the DNG. I haven't had a need or seen a benefit in converting to DNG.

If you are talking about the IMPORT panel 'Apply During Import'->'Develop Settings' you don't have to do anything. Everything can be done in DEVELOP after import.
Should I be using my camera default RAW (Sony RX10M4) or Adobe default RAW when importing images?
Assuming you are referring to the Raw Default settings on the Preferences>Presets tab, that's very much a user decision. Simply import a few images using Adobe Default, then play with them a little in the Develop module.....in the Presets panel>Defaults section you will find presets for Adobe Default and Camera Settings. Simple to switch between both presets to get a sense of which initial rendering you prefer, then whichever one you think is best you have the option to change Preferences to make that your default.
Hi, Paul and Jim, thanks for your responses. I don't use DNG. In Preferences I have checked "Override global setting for specific cameras" and entered details of 2 cameras I use. Is there any way of knowing if my 2 cellphones' ( a Huawei P30 Pro and a Galaxy S21) RAW settings are available in LrC other than seeing them included as a possibility in the RAW Default section of Preferences after I have downloaded some RAW images from them?
Jim, in LrC I don't see a Presets panel in the Develop module, but I do see a Profile box which allows me to flick between various Adobe and various Camera profiles by browsing. I started off with "Camera Settings" in that box, but now I have played with some profiles,I can't get that back, but I can get "Camera Standard" or "Camera Natural" (which is a bit less contrasty than standard). Interesting - just another option, I guess. The difference is so small, that the same result could easily be achieved by usinf the other adjustments in Develop. Thanks, you've helped me to discover a lot more about LrC.
Jim, in LrC I don't see a Presets panel in the Develop module
Left-hand panel in the Develop Module. If the Presets panel isn't showing, use the keyword shortcut Shift+Ctrl+1 to reveal it.

Ah, yes! I have the same options as you highlighted. Selecting one or the other changes the profile in the right hand panel and in that panel there is a whole scroll down menu of sub profiles. Is there any way of displaying, say, Adobe Standard and Camera Standard side by side to gauge the difference easily?
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