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Nov 5, 2014
Midlothian, Scotland
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Lightroom (Cloud) & Mobile
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
Just to be clear from the outset. I use Lightroom on my PC desktop. I believe “Lightroom” is the title to use to describe the cloud version as opposed to Lightroom Classic. I DO NOT use Lightroom Classic!!! I also use Lightroom Mobile on my iPhone 13 Pro Max and iPad.

For several months I have been using the native Apple camera app exclusively in an attempt to keep things simple. I am very happy with the results photographically and also the integration of .jpg images with Lightroom - between the native camera app the iPhone Photos app and Lightroom Mobile and Lightroom(on PC).

I do not capture in RAW very often but would like to on certain occasions. I believe I understand the difference between pure RAW and Apple ProRAW and would probably be happy with ProRAW, particularly if that would enable me to stick with one camera app ( iPhone Native App).

My usual workflow is to review my images in the iPhone Photos App which tags the image as Jpg or RAW accordingly. I then send selected images to Lightroom. The app advises that x shared photos will be imported by Lightroom on next app launch and offers the opportunity to “launch Lightroom now”. It will do that but any RAW images appear as .jpg in Lightroom Mobile. I have assumed that when using the mobile version of Lightroom it converts RAW to .jpg, however when opening the PC version of Lightroom, captured RAW images are only in .jpg format.

How do I get my RAW images into Lightroom on my PC?

Thanks in advance.

Apple ProRAW ia a variant of the DNG format created by Adobe. The Photos app exports a JPEG image when you use that feature in the Photos app. You have another option (two really). In Lightroom you can "Auto Add" images to an album from your camera roll. This imports the ProRaw file as a DNG (also RAW), bypassing the Apple Photo app completely. The other option is to use the Camera as defined in Lightroom and set into shoot DNG instead of JPEG.
There is really no reason to use the Photos app and camera since you can review all photos using the Lightroom app. This reduces the local storage as the photos are only stored in the Lightroom storage area and not in the Photos storage area as well.
Thanks for your swift reply. I will investigate your first suggestion as I would rather just use one camera app. I have no issue with ProRAW / DNG.
Thanks for your swift reply. I will investigate your first suggestion as I would rather just use one camera app. I have no issue with ProRAW / DNG.
If you only want to use one camera app, then the app should be the Lightroom mobile app and never the Apple Photos app.
That’s a shame!
Why? The Apple Photos App has no significant features over the Lightroom (mobile) app. I manage every image is Lightroom (for me Lightroom Classic) I removed the Apple Photos app from my desktop and shut down any iCloud Photos syncing. All image management is managed by Lightroom and the Only cloud sync is to the Adobe Cloud.
The Apple Photos App has no significant features over the Lightroom (mobile) app
Generally I completely agree. However, the exception is if you have a MaxPro model - LrM can’t use the UW lens (to do with waiting on Apple for an updated SDK), so for that you need to drop back to the iPhone Camera App.

How do I get my RAW images into Lightroom on my PC?

Thanks in advance.


On your iPhone import while in the Lightroom iOS app. This is how I import my ProRAW files. They then get synced up to Adobe cloud and when I open Lightroom on my PC they show up (in original ProRAW format).

In Lightroom iOS add pictures from camera roll.


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Thank you all for your input. I will take a good look at this over the next couple of days. It’s a shame about Ultra Wide lens restriction. I do use it. I didn’t want to have to use more than one camera.
There's a distinct difference between the Apple Photos app, and the native iOS camera, and you can easily use the camera without using the Apple Photos app. I agree with Cletus that using the Apple Photos app is not necessary if using LrMobile, but there's nothing wrong with using the iOS camera and have those ProRAW files imported into LrMobile (either by the Auto-add function, or by manual import), and from there they will sync to Lightroom on your PC.
I understand that there may well be good reasons for using the LrMobile app. The only reason for me not to do so appears to be the Ultra Wide lens limitation.
Jim, can you give me a hint as to how and where I find the Auto-add function in Lightroom (Cloud). I’ll have a look at that. There may well be good reasons for using the LrMobile app once Apple have sorted out the lens issue.

Generally I completely agree. However, the exception is if you have a MaxPro model - LrM can’t use the UW lens (to do with waiting on Apple for an updated SDK), so for that you need to drop back to the iPhone Camera App.
What do you mean when you say LrM can’t use UW lens?
I have successfully taken a DNG image with the LrMobile camera app with my iPhone 13 Pro Max and uploaded it to Lightroom on my PC.
Perhaps Paul hasn’t recently updated his phone software?
So from my point of view I need to start to seriously play with this app!
can you give me a hint as to how and where I find the Auto-add function in Lightroom
In Lightroom, find or create an Album that you want the Camera Roll photos to reside. Click on the ellipsis (...) to the right of the folder name. From the context menu move the slider on the menu. item labeled "Auto Add from Camera Roll". All of the photos taken by the camera and placed in the Photos "Camera Roll" location will get imported into Lightroom and sync'd to the Adobe Cloud. You will now have two copies of these photos. One in the "Camera Roll" location and one stored locally in the Lightroom storage area and also in the Adobe Cloud.
Jim, can you give me a hint as to how and where I find the Auto-add function in Lightroom (Cloud). I’ll have a look at that. There may well be good reasons for using the LrMobile app once Apple have sorted out the lens issue.
As well as the instructions provided for Cletus to optionally designate a specific album into which newly added images from the camera roll will be stored, you also have to enable the auto-add option on the LrM Settings>Import tab.
What do you mean when you say LrM can’t use UW lens?
Just what I say - LrM can use the Wide and Telephoto but not the Ultra-Wide (on the three lens models, the MaxPro)
As well as the instructions provided for Cletus to optionally designate a specific album into which newly added images from the camera roll will be stored, you also have to enable the auto-add option on the LrM Settings>Import tab.
When I go to LrM Settings>Import, there is no option and the only choice is to select an image type in the AUTO ADD FROM CAMERA ROLL Section. If I make a selection at the Album Level, the Photos image type is select automatically in LrM Settings>Import Tab.
iPhone 13 and 14 max pro LrM
CAN use all 3 lenses in DNG format
Then I stand corrected and apologize. It can't on the 12 MaxPro. I will check further with Adobe.
When I go to LrM Settings>Import, there is no option and the only choice is to select an image type in the AUTO ADD FROM CAMERA ROLL Section. If I make a selection at the Album Level, the Photos image type is select automatically in LrM Settings>Import Tab.
Yes, if you use the option to Auto-add to a specific album first, that does indeed automatically update the App Settings option to enable the Auto-add option, but for Photos only. It would still be necessary to visit that App Settings option if you want Screenshots and/or Videos to also be auto-added.
iPhone 13 and 14 max pro LrM
CAN use all 3 lenses in DNG format
Interesting. Can I confirm this is the LR mobile camera that's able to access the ultra wide lens while in DNG format, and not the built in camera? It's not available on my iPhone and the Adobe bug report is still open so I want to check into it further.
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