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Import Problem with Destination folders

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New Member
Premium Classic Member
Sep 11, 2018
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Lightroom Classic version: 7.5
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
I have got the problem of a phantom sub-folder in my Destination folders panel in Import where a sub-folder appears in the chosen folder and all my importing images go into the phantom sub-folder. The sub-folder only appears when I choose a Drive or Memory Card from the Source panel. Does anyone have any ideas I've already tried opening a backup catalogue from before the problem began.
Sounds like you may be the victim of the 'capitalisation problem', but we need more info to determine that and to help you solve it. Can you post one or more screenshots that clearly show the problem?
Hi thanks for your reply please find attached two screenshots hopefully showing the problem. thanks again.


  • Screenshot (5).png
    Screenshot (5).png
    213.1 KB · Views: 237
  • Screenshot (6).png
    Screenshot (6).png
    794.4 KB · Views: 228
In the Destination panel, you have selected "Edinburgh_May" as the target folder (when really I expect you should be selecting the "2018" folder), but you have also checked "Into Subfolder" as the placement option. So with those settings, Lightroom will create a new sub-folder (which you've asked to be named "Edinburgh_Linithgow_Jul") inside the "Edinburgh_May" folder. The reason that the sub-folder is in italics is because it doesn't exist yet, so the italics means it will be created by the import process. It doesn't appear in the first screenshot because at that stage you haven't yet selected a source at that point.

So the likely "problem" is your Destination panel settings, which you need to change. There is no other problem that I can see.
Thanks very much for the answer to my problem I must have checked the "into subfolder" and didn't uncheck it to be honest I never noticed it. All the best!
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