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Import Please release me - after import!

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New Member
Premium Classic Member
May 4, 2015
Norwich, England
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Lightroom Classic version: 7.3.1
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
Haven't shot much recently, thanks to awful weather, but I'm finding that my SD cards aren't being "released" after the uploading/importing process ends - indeed, the "Safely Remove Hardware and Eject Media" routine then reports that it's still in use, until after I've closed Lightroom.

Any known fix?

Thanks, Peter

PS For the record...
Lightroom Classic version: 7.3.1 [ 1167660 ]
Operating system: Windows 10 - Home Premium Edition Version: 10.0.16299
Not sure what to suggest......it's working correctly on my WIn10 system, as is the option to "Eject after Import" (have you tried that?). For as long as I've been using Windows computers (a long time now) one of the frustrations was the number of times I could not eject a card or portable drive, even with no applications running, and had to reboot in order to dismount the device. But if you can eject successfully after closing Lightroom, maybe the automatic "Eject after Import" will work. Worth a try, perhaps.
Jim, thanks for your reply - it nudged me into turning "Eject after Import" OFF, and restarting LR and turning it ON again.... after which it does now "Eject after Import", just like it used to !

Should have thought to try that.... duuh.
I am running 7.3 on a Mac and I am having trouble finding "Eject after Import" option. Where can I find it?

thanks in advance
Good thing that this site doesn't have "Problem Solved" flags - as it's back happening again, just like before, on my next LR session!


PS the "Eject after..." option seems to only appear when an external source, the SD card in my case, is connected and selected.
Look for the jpg attachment - a screen grab of the top of the Import screen when the card was
Eject after Import.JPG
its reader.

Adobe just calls a system service to eject the card. I have two camera cards. One Adobe can never eject. The other works just fine.
It never bothered me enough to chase the issue down (the one which does not eject is my 2nd SD card if I manage to fill the primary).
If you can get the behavior to repeat on a regular basis, I suggest creating a bug at the Adobe support site and ask them if you can provide any additional data.


Adobe just calls a system service to eject the card. I have two camera cards. One Adobe can never eject. The other works just fine.
It never bothered me enough to chase the issue down (the one which does not eject is my 2nd SD card if I manage to fill the primary).
If you can get the behavior to repeat on a regular basis, I suggest creating a bug at the Adobe support site and ask them if you can provide any additional data.

Thanks for the suggestion Tim - I'll try one or two other cards and see what happens!
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