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Catalogs Opening lrcat file in another programming language

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New Member
Sep 10, 2023
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  1. Windows 10
I want to make a few changes to exposure, etc. from another software/script. This is a part of my automation workflow. Is there a way to do that? Some software seems to do that.
If you change the image with other SW it most likely is what we call a "Pixel Pusher" type of tool (as opposed to a "Non Destructive Eidtor" type of tool). These tools bake you changes into the pixels of the image and create a new image file with the changed pixels. If you do this prior to importing into LrC, then those changes are treated by LrC as if they came from the camera that way.

On the other hand if you import the image into LrC first and make changes in LrC before you use the external editor, you must first either invoke the other SW from within LrC (if that other SW came with a plugin that allows this), or you must Export the image from LrC creating a new copy of the image, then edit that copy of the image and save the result followed by imorting the modified image back into LrC again as a new image.
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