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Catalogs Not fill names when type first letter

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Fernando Lisboa

New Member
Mar 7, 2017
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Lightroom Classic version 9.2.1
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I create a new catalog, from file menu i import from old catalog all my photos, all keyword come together, but when i try put a name in face its not fill from 1st letter typed, if i create a new name person all right, works, any idea whats happen? all keyworks are with person type when i try edit.

I checked the preference in Preferences on the Interface tab, auto-complete text in keyword tags field.
In the Lightroom menu / Catalog preferences / Metadata, check the box to activate face detection. Let it work overnight if needed. You can press the letter "o" shortcut to get an idea of the progress and also check upper left near the Lightroom logo to see the background process' progress.
It's a bug, I have previously reported it. It specifically occurs when you import and gives the issue you describe.

To work around the issue, delete the CatalogName Helper.lrdata (it rebuilds when you next launch Lr) and you'll find they will autofill.
Didn't knew about this bug. Thanks Paul.
Hi Denis

Only came to light a couple of weeks back when I was investigating for someone, and it's specifically for imported catalogs. The People keywords are there and are for Pr
eople, it's just the autofill that Helper seems to mess up.
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