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Moving photos from aperture to Lightroom Classic

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May 24, 2018
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I am new to Lightroom. Used Aperture, Picasa, Iphoto and others as they became fashionable for a short time. I found them all user friendly and a pleasure to use. Now I am going Lightroom anmd I find it mostruosly complex and non-intuitive as if the development had stopped when the programmers finished, and never went on to a customer interface. I know some people love it, having once learned it.

My problem is transferring the Aperture photos. The Lightroom plug in didn't work for me, so purchased Aperture Exporter for $19 but I'm still not able to succesfully populate Lightroom in the place where it wants to be populated, in order for me to use the transferred files.

The reason for this email is to find out if I could get personal help for a fee from one of your experts. I live in Toronto, Canada, so this would likely be by phone. Have Teamviewer installed.


Hi Roguerover, welcome to the forum!

If you'd like to tell us the kind of issues you're having, we may be able to help for free on the forum.

Otherwise, there are a few people who do online tutoring, although I don't know how familiar they all are with Aperture. Some were noted in this thread: Online Lightroom Tutors

My first recommendation in this case would be John Beardsworth, as I know he's very comfortable in both Aperture and Lightroom Training / support – Lightroom Solutions
Based on my migration from Aperture to Lightroom I would advise you to not to attempt to transfer over the files.
DEcide a date from which all pictures you take wil be processed in Lightroom. So far Aperture continues to work , however it does not appear to support later RAW formats. Any work you want to do on your Aperture based images continue to do in Aperture, come the day that Apple really kill support for aperture by a new feature in OSX or whatever the current name is then make sure that you can dual boot into an Aperture supporting version of OSX.

Depending on how you have stored the files you should be able to run Aperture and Lightroom from the same set of files.

If you find features in Lightrrom you want to use on specific files in Aperture then load the individual files into Lightroom.

This method meams that you can concentrate on learning and using Lightroom for all your new pictures instead of trying to get the same effect on files you have already worked on.

Good luck and welcome to the ugly world of Adobe UI
That's good advice. You'll learn LR and become confident with it, and when you are ready you will be much better equipped to migrate older work.
Re Personal help - there are a lot of Lightroom How to videos on Youtube both from Adobe and other people, there is also a quantity of Photo / Lightroom education sites where for about $80 you can download several hours tutorial demos showing you the ways of using Lightroom. They will also be in the business of seling you Presets for LR.
I have found them to be very useful.
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