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Library module Moving LightroomC


New Member
Aug 22, 2024
Lightroom Version Number
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
Hello, I have read the How to transfer to new computer, still trying to ingest that, but I have a question about missing photos, I have quite a few missing as I had an issue with sometime during last year somehow my photos downloaded to one drive, I don't use it at all so i'm not sure how that happened, anyway it got full and I got messages to say it was full and to upgrade, I didnt want to upgrade as I don't want anything to do with One drive, so I deleted it thinking my photos will still be in my pictures but no they all were in One drive, I have no way of getting these photos back so do I just delete them before I move over to the new laptop? I still have most of them on SD cards. Going from windows 10 to 11. Any help would be much appreciated.
Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear about your OneDrive issues. How long ago did you delete them? IIRC, OneDrive may retain deleted files for a period of time, so you might have a chance at recovering them.

Just for future reference.

Microsoft installs OneDrive by default. Worse.... it then installs all the special o/s folders such as My Pics, My Docs. My Music, etc inside OneDrive.

Worse still .... Adobe, by default creates its default catalog inside the Pics folder... which is now inside OneDrive... which is a recipe for disaster.

If I am setting up a new Win PC..... I leave One Drive, My Pics, My Docs, etc...as is ...... but never use them.

I create a brand new folder close to the root of the drive that I wish to keep my personal data... but outside any of the special o/s folders.

I call this folder something like MyData. Inside this folder I create new folders such as My_Pics, My_Docs, etc... In Explorer... I create short cuts to these folders ... (top left panel) so they are always easy to find. I monitor the OneDrive folder to ensure that it stays empty and investigate anything that ends up in there.

The reason ...a). I do not want to use One Drive. b) I do not know all the stuff Windows / Microsoft does with my data, especially stuff like MyPics or MyDocs, etc. c). I do not want any of this in the cloud. If I want to but it on the internet I want to make a conscious decision to do so.
Welcome to the forum. I am sorry to hear about your OneDrive issues. How long ago did you delete them? IIRC, OneDrive may retain deleted files for a period of time, so you might have a chance at recovering them.

Thanks for the welcome, about a month or so ago, and I would need to install it again to get the photos but from what I've found and heard you can't return them to the original folders without any link to One Drive anyway.
Just for future reference.

Microsoft installs OneDrive by default. Worse.... it then installs all the special o/s folders such as My Pics, My Docs. My Music, etc inside OneDrive.

Worse still .... Adobe, by default creates its default catalog inside the Pics folder... which is now inside OneDrive... which is a recipe for disaster.

If I am setting up a new Win PC..... I leave One Drive, My Pics, My Docs, etc...as is ...... but never use them.

I create a brand new folder close to the root of the drive that I wish to keep my personal data... but outside any of the special o/s folders.

I call this folder something like MyData. Inside this folder I create new folders such as My_Pics, My_Docs, etc... In Explorer... I create short cuts to these folders ... (top left panel) so they are always easy to find. I monitor the OneDrive folder to ensure that it stays empty and investigate anything that ends up in there.

The reason ...a). I do not want to use One Drive. b) I do not know all the stuff Windows / Microsoft does with my data, especially stuff like MyPics or MyDocs, etc. c). I do not want any of this in the cloud. If I want to but it on the internet I want to make a conscious decision to do so.
I think thats when it happened in an update! Ive unlinked and uninstalled it from the new laptop but I'm scared that in a future update its just going to re install it, its truly hideous
If any recovery from OneDrive is not possible, did you use the "Make a Second Copy" checkbox on the Import Dialog? If so a copy of the files that were on the camera cards would be there.

You do not mention any system Backup app, so presumably you do not have any backup of your critical user files including image files and most importantly your Master LrC catalog. As your next first step you should install a system backup app to automatically backup all of your critical user files. I use Acronis for local backup and BackBlaze for a cloud backup. There are others, some free and there are simple apps that clone your files.
For images where you still have copies on your memory cards (or someplace else) what you can do is get those image files copied from to a disk drive in the same folder structure that LrC thinks they are in. I don't know what options you used during import or if you name your own folders or let LrC build a date oriented folder structure but this should work either way.

What you want to do is to get the imagtes from your SD cards onto a local disk drive and then point your "missing" images in LrC to those newly placed images. If you name your own folders you can copy from the SD card using Windows Explorer into similar folders. If you use LrC's import method where LrC creates a date oriented folder structure for you (or if you name your own) you can create a new temporary and EMPTY LrC catalog, then import the images from the SD cards using the same workflow and optiuons you used originally but have them placed in a local drive (not One drive). Once there, and in the same folderstrucvture the LrC thinks they shiould be in, switch back to your master catalog and use the "find missing folder" took in LrC to have LrC point to them in their new location rather than in One Drive.

For image that you don't have copies of,, you can create small JPG's from the LrC previews.
See https://www.danhartfordphoto.com/blog/2024/7/lr023-generate-jpgs-from-lrc-previews
In addition to the above advice from Cletus and Dan, I would also suggest logging into office.com and seeing what OneDrive shows online. You may be surprised at what is still there. And do not forget to check any recycle bin or deleted files folder.
