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Mobile Lightroom Presets from DNG's + WB value?

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New Member
Dec 18, 2021
Lightroom Version Number
lightroom classic
Operating System
  1. macOS 12 Monterey
Hello, I'm struggling a little bit here. I am making mobile Lightroom Presets with WB values INCLUDED in the preset, but when I save this to DNG it and apply it to a raw file, the white balance value is not the same as what I have saved, it differs on each image. I imagine it's something to do with the fact it's saving as DNG on a jpeg image but is there a way around this?

Thank you
Is the WB you save in the preset a manually set value? If it is an 'as shot' value, then that is what you'll save: to use 'as shot'. Also remember that a jpeg saved as DNG is still a jpeg, not a raw file. You cannot apply WB values to jpeg files like you do with raw files, you can only add a WB change.
Is the WB you save in the preset a manually set value? If it is an 'as shot' value, then that is what you'll save: to use 'as shot'. Also remember that a jpeg saved as DNG is still a jpeg, not a raw file. You cannot apply WB values to jpeg files like you do with raw files, you can only add a WB change.
Yes it is manually set so it's in 'custom'.

So I can't do this using a DNG? Could I use a raw and save the preset as that and have them open it up on their mobiles as opposed to a DNG? or Is there another way around it for mobile presets so they don't have to set white balance themselves?

Thanks for your reply
Yes it is manually set so it's in 'custom'.

So I can't do this using a DNG? Could I use a raw and save the preset as that and have them open it up on their mobiles as opposed to a DNG? or Is there another way around it for mobile presets so they don't have to set white balance themselves?

Thanks for your reply
You need to understand the difference between how the WB is set on a raw file, and adjusted on a non raw file. If you have a raw file, you set the temperature in degrees Kelvin:
1 2021-12-18 17-36-10.jpg

If you have a non-raw file that has already taken place, so you can only adjust the temperature:
1 2021-12-18 17-36-38.jpg

That means that presets that include WB are specific for raw files or non-raw files, and if used on the wrong file they will give the wrong result. And saving a JPEG as DNG will not make this a raw file. You will have to make a preset using a non-raw file for these kinds of non-raw DNGs.
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