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Mixed case folder names

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x Aperture

Dec 12, 2016
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I think I can remember a mention of problems with mixed case text in folder names ie upper and lower case when used in Lightroom.

I think I can remember seeing a reference to this in the last two years. Am I dreaming ???

Thanks for any commennts.
You probably mean the 'capitalisation problem'. Are you having a specific problem that you ask this?
Yes it is a hangover from a question I raised 12 months a go. In the process I have several differemt iterations of the catalog that I would like to incorporate into the master catalog.
I have tried various Catalog imports into the master cat, but each time the import tool tells me there are no images to import.
I have successfully imported other catalogs into the master cat.
The naming format is typically fr the folders is
17 Location
17 Location information

The file naming format is

I can export the problem catalog into other catalogs but not into my master catalog, which was created by exporting a full copy of the original catalog. So the currrent copy of the catalog should be correctly organised.
That does not sound like the capitalisation problem at all. I’m also not sure that I understand the problem. If you use ‘Import From Another Catalog’ and Lightroom tells you there are no images to import, then that means that all the images in that other catalog have already been imported. Are you saying that you are sure that this is not the case?
In the source catalog I used Lightroom to rename the files by adding a prefix to the file name. This new name appeared in the file folder and in the catalog. I then tried to import catalog and files into the master catalog. None of the pictures could be imported.

Is there a way of searching for a specific image in Lightroom - so far I have not seen an option to do this. If I could do this I could check for duplicate images.
Ignore the seerch question I have remebrered how to do it.
seearch does not show any of the file names I am trying to import into the Master catalog.
In the source catalog I used Lightroom to rename the files by adding a prefix to the file name. This new name appeared in the file folder and in the catalog. I then tried to import catalog and files into the master catalog. None of the pictures could be imported.
That is probably because Lightroom is intelligent enough to know what you've done. Why do you want to import duplicates anyway?
This problem has been runninng since October 2017 when I attempted to import a catalog into the master catalog, only part of it was taken in and there was a catalog error. As I wanted to get the pictures edited while the trip was fresh in my mind so I worked a seperate Catalog, the one copied across from the laptop. I spent several hours/days working on the pictures.
I then spent time trying to import the catalog into the master catalog. One catalog did get imported but that did not contain the editing information.
I then renamed the images in the worked on catalog by suffixing 101 to the file name in the catalog and in the files. So this should be a unique set of imagees to go into the master catalog. No images were accepted.

I then tried to find the files in the master catalog that were blocking the import , so using The Library - Find function to find a file in the catalog, but I discovered the Find process does not search the whole catalog but only the Folder on the screen. If you moved up a level of folder the find command would not seearch the lower level folders.

My next stragey is to export the master catalog into seperate catalogs - one for each year and rebuild a Master cat version 2 by importing each yearly catalog into the Master mark 2. I also hope to import the catalog that I have not been able to import

Is there a way to delete the entries from the catalog without deleting the files from the disk, or do I have to copy them to save them from Lightroom.
This problem has been runninng since October 2017 when I attempted to import a catalog into the master catalog, only part of it was taken in and there was a catalog error. As I wanted to get the pictures edited while the trip was fresh in my mind so I worked a seperate Catalog, the one copied across from the laptop. I spent several hours/days working on the pictures.
I then spent time trying to import the catalog into the master catalog. One catalog did get imported but that did not contain the editing information.
I then renamed the images in the worked on catalog by suffixing 101 to the file name in the catalog and in the files. So this should be a unique set of imagees to go into the master catalog. No images were accepted.
Without knowing what that catalog error was, I can't comment on this part. I just don't know what happened.

I then tried to find the files in the master catalog that were blocking the import , so using The Library - Find function to find a file in the catalog, but I discovered the Find process does not search the whole catalog but only the Folder on the screen. If you moved up a level of folder the find command would not seearch the lower level folders.
I'm sorry, but you seem to have lost me. I have no idea what you are saying here. If you want to find an image, regardless of which folder it is in, you can do that by selecting the 'All Photographs' collection and then use the filter bar. Lightroom also does this if you use the 'Library - Find' menu.

I also do not understand your strategy of exporting catalogs and then importing them again. What is that supposed to accomplish?

Is there a way to delete the entries from the catalog without deleting the files from the disk, or do I have to copy them to save them from Lightroom.
Right-click on a photo and select 'Remove Photo'. you will get a dialog asking you if you just want to remove it from the catalog, or also want to delete it from your disk.
I have solved the problem, I exported a new catalog for each year of images, I then imported the new catalogs into a new master catalog including the one that I could not import into the original master catalog, so I now have new catalog that so far is hanging together.

I now have to remove the redundant catalogs and files from the drive.
Thanks for your help
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