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Missing files

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New Member
Jun 9, 2023
Lightroom Version Number
LrC 12.4
Operating System
  1. Windows 10
Prior to moving LrC and my catalog to a new computer I have been matching up my missing files. I have a 6 month period that I cannot connect and it seems the original photos are missing. So I've got a few questions.... if I understand correctly, loading an old LR backup is not going to help me because it still won't be able to find the original photo, correct?
Secondly, it looks as if the originals may be under a different external drive name (ie: now called "F" but may have originally been "D"...thank you Windows). I have searched that hard drive directly as well as my second external hard drive, my online backup, One Drive and the hard drive on my current (now old) laptop. (The laptop that was in use during that time period is sadly no longer with us.) I'm not able to make any connections. Is this just a loss?
Lastly, if I'm able to see the photo, even though I'm unable to make the connection, is there any salvaging it? One or two of the pictures were very important to me personally.
You should search for some of the missing files by filename using Windows Explorer. If they exist in the filesystem, then you can reconnect them to a path stored in the Lightroom Catalog.

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I have searched all my backups. Loading a previous LR catalog will not help, correct?
Correct. A previous catalog will also point to where the photos used to be, but apparently no longer are.
Folow advice of @clee01l

Also look using Windows Explorer on old drives and other computers. Don't forget to check any cloud backup services you may use llike OneDrive.

If none of this turns up the images, and you can see previews of the images in the LrC grid or filmstrip, there is a way to create a Jpg from the prevew af whatever resolution the preview happens to be. While not the full size RAW file, at least it is something and is usually quite usable for sharing and posting pnline.
How to create JPG's from LrC Previews.

See attached PDF


  • LrC Recover images from Previews.pdf
    100.7 KB · Views: 176
Folow advice of @clee01l

Also look using Windows Explorer on old drives and other computers. Don't forget to check any cloud backup services you may use llike OneDrive.

If none of this turns up the images, and you can see previews of the images in the LrC grid or filmstrip, there is a way to create a Jpg from the prevew af whatever resolution the preview happens to be. While not the full size RAW file, at least it is something and is usually quite usable for sharing and posting pnline.
I am looking for someone to help me with a problem that I believe is OneDrive related. I have uploaded images to a Pictures folder on local drive for over 2 years with backup to One Drive. One day the pictures folder on hard drive disappeared and now all those images in Lightroom are disconnected. ALthough I can find the images, I would have to reconnect all of them manually and will lose any edits. There must be a better solution.
Did you use JFriedl's plugin or the Adobe Script?
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