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Sync LRClassic not recognizing duplicates synced from LR

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Premium Classic Member
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Jul 22, 2012
Cheshire, CT
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  1. Windows 10
I recently returned from a two week vacation in Egypt during which I imported photos direct to my iPad in Lightroom for the first time. After I got home, I synced LRC to LR to get all my originals into Classic and my backup. I then unsynced that collection and deleted all those photos from All Synced Photos. Today I went to import other photos on the SD card direct into Classic as I took additional photos after I had loaded a bunch on the iPad. There are also photos still on the card from prior to the trip which had previously been imported to LRC.

Well, LRC isn't recognizing any of the photos that were first imported to LR on the iPad as duplicates. It is recognizing the prior photos that were loaded directly. Any idea why this is happening and how do I fix it? I was on LRC 13.5.1 when I first saw this problem, then upgraded to 14.0.1 to see if that resolved the issue. It didn't.

Full disclosure - I did have some issues syncing originally because I'd reached my 20GB limit. When I imported my phone pictures into LR on my phone or iPad, I forgot to remove those photos from All Synced Photos so over time I filled up my web allotment. Once I cleaned up that mess, syncing all my vacation pictures was no problem.
I've done some additional testing. I added a number of new files today to my iPad and let it sync to LR, up to the cloud and then down to LRClassic. I then tried importing additional files from the same SD card direct to Classic and it all worked fine. I tried this several times both while I was connected to the internet for the initial import and when I was not. Could not recreate the problem.

So I'm no closer to understanding why the 1200 or so photos from my vacation are not recognized as duplicates when I try to load the remaining photos on the SD card direct into LRC. I unsynced them in LR so that program doesn't show only new files either. Has anyone run into this before?

One other thing I noticed, when I import photos to LRC the date shown in Windows File Explorer is the date they were taken. If files are added to LR first and then downloaded to Classic, File Explorer date is the date they get downloaded. I never realized this before but I'm also fairly new at using LR for the initial import. Is this normal function?

Now to figure out the gest way to identify the files on two SD cards that have not yet been imported without adding a bunch of duplicates.

Anyone have any ideas on all this?
One other thing I noticed, when I import photos to LRC the date shown in Windows File Explorer is the date they were taken. If files are added to LR first and then downloaded to Classic, File Explorer date is the date they get downloaded. I never realized this before but I'm also fairly new at using LR for the initial import. Is this normal function?''
When you import from a card directly, Lrc uses Windows to copy the image from the card to the destination and the dates from the camera are maintained in that copy.

However, when you import into Lr/Cloud and then let the sync operation bring the image down to LrC, LrC is "saving" the image file (like a Save As in Word or Excel) in opther words, Windows sees this "Save" ('save', not 'copy') as a new file so some of the dates (e.g. date created) reflect the date when the 'new' file was created in windows rather than the date it was created in the Camera.

In Windows file manager, using detail veiw, you can have it show different fields. Here are a few of those date fields in Windows. You may need to clcik "More..." if you haven't previuously used any of these with this folder before.

the "date taken" should be the "capture date" from the camera.
Thanks, Dan. I had forgotten about the ability to add additional columns to view.

I'm not so worried about the date in Windows. I just don't understand why files previously imported through LR on iPad don't register as duplicates when I try to add additional photos from LRClassic. I'll go through and match them up to get the last photos added, but it's additional work and I am concerned about missing some if this is the expected behaviour going forward. If it's a fluke, still seems weird.
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