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CC App LrC 13.5 update, any thoughts?

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Premium Classic Member
Jan 19, 2020
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  1. macOS 14 Sonoma
I'm seeing a 13.5 update. Does anyone have any thoughts about it? I'm still on 13.3.
I'm not seeing it yet. I logged out and in again which usually prompts it and nothing. Nothing in the blog here either. What does the description of updates/fixes say?
@edrudolph, my Creative Cloud app is showing a "New Update" for version 13.4, not 13.5, even though I have 13.4 installed. What's the version number of the New Update that the Creative Cloud app is showing for you?

My latest is 13.4 as well. Might be a typo?
I have 13.4 from 29 days ago. My Creative Cloud updater shows no current update.

Ventura 13.6.9.
It's a slow rollout this time. If you're on 13.3 or 13.4, you should be ok to update. If you're on 13.2, maybe wait a week or two to see what feedback we get.
I went ahead and clicked Update for the "new update" LR Classic 13.4, even though I already had 13.4 installed (see bove). It downloaded and installed the "new update", which turned out to be 13.4. So there's some glitch in the 13.5 release process.
V13.5 installed OK. It's incongruous but no big deal that we have LrC V13.5 with catalog V13-3.
I haven't seen it yet. I'm curious about camera support. The new Canon R5II got preliminary support with in LrC 13.4 and ACR 16.4. I'm wondering if there is updated support mentioned with the 16.5 update or will that just happen in the background. The camera will be getting to owners pretty soon.
It's incongruous but no big deal that we have LrC V13.5 with catalog V13-3.
v13.3 Catalog was only named as such as there was an upgrade at that point. The naming doesn't relate to the current version as there was no catalog upgrade this time.

For the benefit of others who may be on 13.2 and waiting for feedback before updating, when you do the catalog will need to be upgraded and, as the current version is 13.5, your catalog will be named v13.5. It's only a name!
I went ahead and clicked Update for the "new update" LR Classic 13.4, even though I already had 13.4 installed (see above). It downloaded and installed the "new update", which turned out to be 13.4. So there's some glitch in the 13.5 release process.
We know it's a phased roll-out, not sure just how phased it is at this point. We'll update as we get more information.
I don't pretend to know how complex it is to issue a new update, but why is it so? It sems to me that it's in everyone's best interest to only issue a release when it's ready to be installed by one and all. I, for one, can wait until a release has been thoroughly vetted. Perhaps I'm asking too much.
Some issues don't get discovered until a much wider range of users are using it, with all of their different system setups and quirky workflows. That said, this release has been particularly unusual timing-wise.
Some issues don't get discovered until a much wider range of users are using it, with all of their different system setups and quirky workflows. That said, this release has been particularly unusual timing-wise.
I would expect future releases to be similarly staggered. Timing may vary slightly, but this will be the norm going forward.
Adobe did add full support for the R1. Perhaps the R5II got it as well. Adobe may not mention small updates like that.
It's blank today. Likely being updated.


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The camera will be getting to owners pretty soon.
I would imagine it won't go "final" until they get access to the finishing shipping camera.
I haven't seen it yet. I'm curious about camera support. The new Canon R5II got preliminary support with in LrC 13.4 and ACR 16.4. I'm wondering if there is updated support mentioned with the 16.5 update or will that just happen in the background. The camera will be getting to owners pretty soon.
It has been working just fine so far. It is odd that Adobe added official support for the R1, which won't be available until later this year, but haven't seemingly done so for the R5mkII yet when I know R5mkII are already in stores and even in customer hands. Just glad it is working! :)
Canon doesn't even have support for the R5II yet.
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