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  • 14 August 2024 It's Lightroom update time again! See What’s New in Lightroom Classic 13.5, Mobile & Desktop (August 2024)? for the bug fixes. Hopefully this will fix many of the sync issues reporting in Classic 13.3 and 13.4.

LRC 13.01 Lost MANY Collections and Collection Sets!

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May 26, 2011
Bethesda, Maryland USA
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  1. macOS 13 Ventura
I am running Mac OS Ventura 13.5.1. I upgraded from LRC 12.5 to 13.01. When I opened 13.01, the catalog was updated and I lost DOZENS of collection sets and probably 100 collections! I had to uninstall 13.01 and reinstall 12.5 and load my v12 catalog to get back all the lost collections! BEWARE!
I am running Mac OS Ventura 13.5.1. I upgraded from LRC 12.5 to 13.01. When I opened 13.01, the catalog was updated and I lost DOZENS of collection sets and probably 100 collections! I had to uninstall 13.01 and reinstall 12.5 and load my v12 catalog to get back all the lost collections! BEWARE!
I to upgraded from V13 to V13.1, and LR crashed each time. I spent two hours on the phone with Adobe Support during which time there was a three-way dialogue with engineering when they were copying my LR logs, and crash reports etc. They reinstalled LR V. 13 and all was good again. There was no loss of data or images following the reinstall. I was told that I should wait for V. 13.2, and then a further 20 days before upgrading. I hope this helps

Similarly, for anyone using Generative Fill with Mac, the Spot Removal tool does not function after using Generative Fill. This is being worked on, and should also, according to Adobe, be resolved in about 20 days.
Are you sure that you did not open an old catalog file? Did LrC v13.0.1 convert your catalog to the new database structure when you first opened it? If So, there remains a copy of the v12.5 catalog in the same folder. There has been a bug reported in 13.0.1 that causes a failure to open LrC on some Macs. You can revert back to v13.0 or v12.5 and open there v12.5 catalog and all of your images and collections should be present IF the catalog is the master catalog used in v12.5. There are Instructions on how to roll back to the earlier version. https://www.lightroomqueen.com/roll-back-update-previous/
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